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I have a question onanswer choice C.
I understand ... . But, after contemplating the answer choices, I am reluctant to ... that was incorrect. If the answer choice had said having " ... with the answer choice.
... so I have a question onanswer choice B. I am not ... However, the reasoning on why I eliminated this answer choice was: on this, is that even though we see an answer ... from mechanical thinking, identify the answer choice as circular reasoning, ...
... how much 7sage's lessons on LR and RC differ from ... the arguments and zeroing in onanswer choices? Manhattan had a pretty ... starter pack help me improve on LR and RC or is ... package that provides comprehensive training on LR
Lol, it's dumb but I'm actually seriously wondering.
Can we get away with imperfect bubbling? When taking practice tests, I avoid bubbling outside the circle, but I don't prioritize completely filling in the bubbles - many are mostly filled, ...
... I can just hop back on laptop, open up my problem ... check on my setup/inferences by just flipping over my printed sheet ... aren't set to print on 1 sheet, each game I print ...
... wasting too much time on are onanswer choices that mention something ... an example of whatever the answer choice is and then ... keep second guessing myself on the answer choices with something to ... general principles or any tips on their approach?
Whoa! I thought one could not figure out which section is the experimental? Does it say experimental? Can I just skip it or rest my eyes and just Christmas tree the answersheet?
I did many tests using kindle. To this day, I still regret it. If I could do it again, I would print everything out on paper. In this way, you would foster good habits early on. Markingon paper is a skill that one can learn to their advantage.
@mjjohns. I actually wondered the same thing but when I compared the answersheet to PT73, there was no correlation. I don't think there's any chance the scores have errors and suspect they'll have it sorted by tomorrow afternoon.
@fifthending you have to basically compare your item response report to your answersheet, both are available. i scored my sections last night, i just printed out my bubble sheet and compared it to the IRR and graded it like any other!