-Hello 7Sagers
In the past six weeks, I have finally bared down and committed to completing 5 hours of CC daily. It's safe to say I have caught the bug, insofar as I feel completely capable of nailing every LR question (LR is the only section of CC ...
Am currently studying for the November exam (not my end all, just a first try). I've been going through the CC, specifically the LG curriculum to get myself acquainted but I often feel like I'm not doing enough. At what point did you ...
Hey all, I'm new to 7sage and I noticed theres a whole bunch to do before we even touch on real practice tests. Should I really be waiting that long or should I sprinkle some in here and there before then?? Let me know what worked for you guys!
Hi I have noticed that I do not have the highlight features available when I do problem sets or preptests and was wondering if there is a way to enable this feature?
I've already taken the PTs in the 70s and 80s and I want to retake them. Is there anyway I could just create another fresh copy for the whole preptest? I only saw an option to delete my first take - which would also delete the wrong answer data that were ...