... :
Generally, you want your pre-lawschool resume to be one page ... do know from speaking to lawschool deans that you should really ... let's say, 6 different law firms, and that puts you ... you've had only limited workexperience. Hope this helps.
... . Get some work/volunteerexperience while studying and you'll start lawschool a stronger ... pretty much over being in school and just coasted. It is ...
... . Get some work/volunteerexperience while studying and you'll start lawschool a stronger ... pretty much over being in school and just coasted. It is ...
Pre-lawschool jobs, while important, pale ... , school don’t seem to care all that much. Workexperience in ... reliable, willing to put in work, and don’t shun ... would be part time work with full focus on ... - if you have no experience in the legal field whatsoever ...
... a higher-ranked school which happens after 1L. School ranking might have ... , or getting a job after lawschool during a recession). People accepted ... same stats plus some more work/volunteerexperience. How to explain gaps in ...
... Notre Dame for Intellectual Property law and I have taken the ... ? I've interned at a law firm of whom the attorney ... is a Harvard law alumni, I've served in ... President for Phi-Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity in my undergrad years ...
So awhile back there was a discussion that had a link to this great lawschool comparison website on here. I cannot for the life of me remember what the name of the site was. Does anyone else remember this?
... me more about the 7sage lawschool prep. Is it for people ... course before you go to lawschool? Also, in what ways do ... the course prepare you for lawschool? Thanks for any help in ...
... got into a top 25 lawschool for Fall 2015 entering ... 170s, and then delay entering lawschool for another year so that ... cheaper tuition at a reasonable school, against the possibility of ... waiting another year to enter lawschool, my follow up question would ...
Hi people... today's dose of humor for the over worked: the LSAT will be GREAT... and you WILL go to lawschool... but don't turn into this person;) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFcqKisUgUQ
Hey People, when you end up at lawschool... and that pretty girl or handsome guy catches your eye... Do your self a favor and try not to be like this!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-6vH6rU9to
... . So apparently there are many lawschool consultants that would review your ... anyone here worked with a lawschool consultant? Do you recommended them ...