Can anyone provide help with this question? I don't see at all how they get their answer.. ...
I've figured out why C) and E) are wrong, but I'm not sure how the other incorrect answers weaken the argument.
Can anyone please explain why the correct answer is (E)? I am confused with the part in (E) saying: "if they are weaponry..."
This question is so hard! Can anyone explain this? What is the meaning of "they otherwise" in the last sentence? Why does J.Y mention contemporary artist exist or does not exist? I am ...
... most B
A most C
B ... some B
A some C
B ... :
A most B most C
A ... s. Most B’s are C’s. Therefore, some A’s ... are C’s - but using actual examples ...
... meeting. (A→C) C→A and A→C
= A←→C … Contrapositive is ... . [A→/C contrapositive C→/A]
o /A←→C
o A←→/C
[/C→A contra. A→C]
COMBINED: A ←→C contra: /A←→/C
o A→/C contra C→A
o /C →A contra /A ...