... session if you have taken PT80 and/or you attended JY ... 's PT 80s review. This will be ... what others have learned from PT80 and to combine the different ... we learned fr JY's PT80 Sessions, Saturday June 27th at ...
So sorry for the stupid question, but I'm trying to print PT80 and don't see an icon to print it when it's opened. Am I missing something? How do you print the PTs off?
I've been approaching 156-160 on my PT's 46-52 however I took PT80 and scored a 152. PT80 seemed extremely hard to me. Are the later prep tests getting harder?
Hey, guys. Why is there talk of three M here when the rules say exactly two M? JY mentions three M and others also mentioned in the comments section. What am I missing here? Three M was never an option for me becatse of that rule.
... ;2 **Day 4**: PT 4&3 **Day 5**: PT5&4& ... ;1 **Day 6**: PT 6&5& ... ;1 **Day 7**: PT 7& ... question from the day 1 PT I will attempt it until ... , I have been doing 1 PT per day and simply attempting ...
... single test. For example, in PT80, a 170 scale score requires ... cold diag test) but in PT 82 170 requires only 90 ... match any raw score. In PT 82, 98 matches 179, 97 ...
... wished they had practiced with 5 sections? In other words, did ... will help you get through 5 sections. Can anyone confirm this ... to canabalize a fresh PT just to simulate 5 sections, but think ...
... for the LSAT for 1.5 months now. I finished all ... score was 143 on PT 19. After 1.5 months of doing ... the above, my score on PT 63 ... />
I plan to study 4-5 hours per day almost every ...
**August 4th**
**Blind review PT80 section 1 LR.**
To ...
**Blind Review PT80, RC**
We will be reviewing PT80 RC section ... first or second passage from PT 38.
Why is "only very careful drivers use headlights when their use is not legally required" the answer here? I literally can't bend my mind to figure out why that changes anything after the headlight law went into effect and the resulting lack of collision ...
Is the reasoning flaw in the stimulus that it concludes what makes something not censorship from the sufficient condition for censorship?
If A or B, then Censorship exists.
From this, we cannot conclude that censorship does not exist.