When I was looking at the answer choices for this question, I noticed that answer choice B states something about "_actual_ legal dilemmas". As a result, I rejected answer choice B because, while I noticed the mention of legal dilemmas ...
I am stuck on Practice Test 31 Section 3 Question 22 about endosymbiosis. I get the structure of the stimulus. The stimulus is saying that the nucleomorph was found inside the chlorarachniophyte. The nucleomorph has to be the remains ...
So I understand most of the reason why C is correct in this question, but how we can assume that if "single persons, _on average_, purchase the same kinds of food items" then this is consistent with _all_ people who spent 2 times more ...
So this question was really bugging me: I was easily able to eliminate B, C, and D. However, E (which was actually a wrong answer choice) just didn't look like it was found in the passage because although "meadows and glades" were ...
Helpppp. I can't see the difference in reasoning between answer choice A and B. What am I missing here? Is B correct because the person is losing a property rather than 'suffering' as answer choice A states? Thank you!
So I can see why C is definitely a better answer choice than all the rest. However, I find myself confused by the fact that I am not sure how we can tell that the author thinks that doctrine of precedent is a "useful tool" here. Can ...
Answer choice E here is the correct answer choice. We know that the author approves of some of effects of the traditional method because of line 18-19. However, I still have trouble finding evidence of the "partial disapproval of the ...