I am having issues with my speed while going through ReadingComprehension with roughly 5 mins remaining typically going into the last passage. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that could be of use?
I have been doing untimed readingcomprehension drill. I am still getting -12 wrong on the section.
Any tips on improving and how to drill properly for readingcomprehension?
... month, I'll be leading Reading Comp review sessions every other ... finished every lesson in the "ReadingComprehension - Science" lesson set. First lesson ... .com/lesson/introduction-to-the-reading-comprehension/).
When practicing LG, I always go to the 7sage Youtube channel for indications as to how long I should take to solve a specific game. At the beginning of his video explanations, JYP always mentions how long you should take if you're ...
I saw that the new trainer has a studyguide that is catered to the most recent preptests. I have the 2015 version of the book and would like to know if there are any updates or changes to the current edition.
I am absolutely terrible at RC. I can't finish all 4 passages and even without finishing all 4, I still get quite a lot of questions incorrect. Any RC tips? I'd appreciate any tips. I tried notations but I found that it slowed me down because I was ...
Ive noticed that red pencil crayons stand out more when highlighting readingcomprehension passages. Are we allowed to bring them into the lsat test centre for this purpose?
So I've been going back to PTs19-28 for the past month and have been averaging -3 on RC (which is great for me). Then I just took a more recent test and got killed on the comparative passage. This is what I'm thinking about my ...
I have tried the memory method, and it helps a little. My score for that section has been fairly the same. I am not entirely sure what I can do to improve it. Any tips?