I know that the University of Chicago has a fairly conservative undergraduate campus and I come from a pretty conservative school. What are some other well-known conservative campuses?
/Q-->/D D-->W in the 7sage lesson, the teacher said /Q-->/D and /W-->/D, thus, there's no inference made. However, isn't we also can do it like D-->Q and D-->W, thus, some Q are W?
... there are no contrapositive for some, and that contrapositive is just ... started to think that then "some" does have a contrapositive, since ... we have a statement that "Some A are B: AB" Some B are A: BA"
... day. I've been reading some of the forum comments from ... were disappointed with marks, and some who scored a lot lower ... study, if you can find some form of meditation practice and ...
Hi guys, I havent gone through the LR curriculum in over a year. I am wondering which lessons cover some, most, few statements, and LR diagramming. I think MBT questions and SA had some?