... just getting started on the CoreCurriculum. In order to plan ahead ... after the completion of the CoreCurriculum. Do you head into the ... are already part of the CoreCurriculum? If it's the latter ...
Hi, during the corecurriculum, is it advised to time yourself on the practice sets given (i.e., the 5 questions per set in the LR section)? Or is it better to not time and focus on strategy and comprehension?
I have just finished the corecurriculum for Logical Reasoning, would it ... better to continue with the corecurriculum or start reading the LR ... />
Option 2: All of 7sage CoreCurriculum --> All the Powerscore Bibles
... am half way through the CoreCurriculum and I'm wondering if ... PT's concurrently with my curriculum work. As of Monday I ... I:
Plow through the curriculum and then start doing PT ... piecemeal practice concurrently with my Core work?
Just a heads up guys - I'm going to reorganize the RC part of the CoreCurriculum soon. There might even be a few new lessons. Don't be alarmed if you see classes get moved around in the syllabus!
I'm not sure if it's just me, but it seems as though a part of the corecurriculum was removed. Whereas before it was ~240 hours long, now it's 218 for me. If it helps, I have Ultimate+.
... the logic games in the corecurriculum--this is specifically referring to ... and problem sets from the corecurriculum. How have you guys scheduled ...
... the corecurriculum study schedule planner to guide me through the corecurriculum until ... quite a bit after the corecurriculum has wrapped up - I've ...
... signed up for the 7sage CoreCurriculum earlier on when I started ... be able to complete the corecurriculum in a months time? and ... for people to complete the corecurriculum.
... all. I just finished the corecurriculum and have jumped back into ... , break from PT's post-corecurriculum to fine tune your understanding ... of your weaknesses in the corecurriculum? After every three tests or ...
I am about 50% through the corecurriculum and it has taken a lot longer than I had anticipated. I am wondering if my strategy of first trying to work out the problem before watching the video is the best use of my time... Thanks.
... you ever just restarted the corecurriculum from scratch? I am 24 ... without FULLY completely understanding the corecurriculum. I've also been back ...
... just completed all of the corecurriculum and started taking timed practice ... tests. Throughout the corecurriculum I rarely got individual questions ... (aka should I focus on corecurriculum material or hope that I ...
... been going straight through the corecurriculum. Anybody have tips for staying ... . Should I be doing past corecurriculum problem sets of LG and ...
... is that even though a curriculum may be 3 hours long ... learn that just because a curriculum is 5 hours long, doesn ... to fall behind on the corecurriculum.
Has this happened to ...
Should I be foolproofing the games that are part of the corecurriculum or should I only start foolproofing games when I finish the cc and start drilling and taking practice tests?