7Sagers! Our very own Amy Bonnaffons (@amycbon) wrote a short story that's going to be on *This American Life* **this weekend!** Listen to it and be amazed! She is incredible.
... identify predominantly as Latina (Mexican-American and Spanish) but I ... also identify somewhat as Native American because my father (whose ... t identify myself as Native American on one application even ... are like 12% Native American and have all their paperwork ...
I took the October 2018 LSAT in Kenya. I had two LG sections and I'm just wondering which one was the real one and which was experimental. Does anyone have this info?
... Middle East, and Africa:** Saturday, October 6, 2018
- ... **Asia:** Sunday, October 14, 2018
- ** ... Australia and New Zealand:** Sunday, October 14, 2018
... and sent in applications in October. For study materials, I only ... anything in the yearly Best American Essays anthology, and essay collections ...
... think about the October 2019 LSAT being on October 28 this year ... the freebie for September. Sooooo October LSAT too late for an ... situated at the end of October so...
Is it just me, but is the October 2019 test have VERY FEW locations? I went from having a testing cite 4 miles away from me for June/September, to that site not being open anymore and the closest cite being 20 miles away.