Quick question for those who've done lsat trainer and 7sage. Should I do them simultaneously? Like when i'm doing a specific section in the lsat trainer, follow up with the 7sage part or vice versa? What are your thoughts?
LG: 2-3 wrong
RC:10-12 wrong
LR-10-12 wrong. I have completed the 7sage syllabus once. Although, it has greatly improved my score from where I started, I still have a long way to go.
Here is the best cheat sheet ever: hundreds of hours (300 hours minimum) of 7sage (www.7sage.com). It is guaranteed! Don't trust my word, just ask the law students at the top law schools.
@ Emli1000 why did you say that you are not sure about using the bibles with 7sage? Did you have a bad experience? I'm just curious to know because I'm trying to figure out which supplemental material is best to use with 7sage.
@blah170blah ... me neither... skipping around and having that flexibility is so good... especially if you are in a crunch situation where you are almost out of time... I'd much rather have to guess on 5 questions (if put in that situation) than on7.
I have most of the tests - all the actual 10s and some PDFs except the very recent 2 tests. Will that make a difference? Do 7sage PDFs contain extra material?
I joined 7sage before the pdf issue so I have everything. I'm talking about organizing the videos by game type (sequencing, grouping, in and out, etc). Sorry, I should have been more specific.
Try using spreeder and reading the economist, New York Times opinions, wall street journal, American lawyer and scientific American. I use the 7sage method when reading those articles
@brna0714 , I just used 7sage. I believe using shapes/underline/sub-notations to distinguish items occurred in a few logic game videos, though they were never specifically emphasized.