For the past several weeks I' ... curious if people have any strategies they follow when reviewing their ... />
First, I record my times for each question to try and ... to be a strong advocate for video recording/review. Any suggestions ...
... 2018, I've seen my RC improve as I worked through ... in the 70's my RC score has plummeted. I've ... 70's and 80's forRC purposes since I'm saving ... them for full tests. I would appreciate ...
I signed up for 7sage's LSAT starter with ... have found it tremendously helpful for the RC and LR sections. I ... />
**(Disclaimer: I started studying for the LSAT on June 6th ... from work to train up for the Nov LSAT to give ...
Anyone have some to help with getting through RC in a timely fashion? I am just mainly looking for some tips on how to best interpret the each section while not wasting too much time so I can answer all questions on the exam.
Below is a sequential timer you can use for the RC Memory Method (3.5, 1.5, and 3.5 minutes). This way you know exactly when to move on to the next phase without changing the timer.
... on RC with someone since it's so mentally draining for me ... miss -4 to -7 on RC and LG is weird but ... something I'm always down for it's just rn my ... biggest weakness is in RC so yea. Any questions or ...
... looking for a reliable study partner who wants to improve RC via ... March/April exam. My current RC score is around -8 to ... mornings or evenings works fine for me. Please let me know ...
... immediately signed up for the April test because ... with the best study strategiesfor the next 3 months ... />
To prepare for the retake, I’ve ordered ... Loophole for LR. My weakest section is RC but ... practicing. Timing is a challenge for me.
... ! I'm currently signed up for the LSAT-Flex in July ... notate the LR stimuli and RC passages to get a better ... to do low res summaries forRC and keep track of them ... share on these issues for LR or RC? Any advice would be ...
How are you handling making notations on/for your RC - highlighting is not enough for me is the only tool available? I feel like I'm losing time writing down things.
... )- however my performance in RC is highly responsible for my low score ... used Manhattan prep's method forRC) and in an effort to ... confusing myself with too many strategies I've avoided the whole ...
... an even better LSAT score for the November test if my ... 10 PTs will be enough for the five weeks or so ... ? Or have general tips or strategies they use when they've ...
... everyone! I've been studying for about a year now and ... improvement in all sections except RC. My score will range from ... . Does anyone have any advice for improving on RC?
... online to discuss LR and RC sections/questions. Ideally this would ... come up with a reason for choosing the correct answer and ... reasons for not choosing each incorrect answer ... really a work in progress. ForRC passages, I typically take a ...
... got really complacent - my diagnostic RC section was my highest, so ... .
I'm looking for those in the same boat ... (we know how dreadful studying forRC is) and share tactics/strategy ... group hyper-focused on improving RC. If anyone's interested and ...
... 'm looking for 2-3 study buddies to drill RC detail retention ... done most passages and look for increasing RC speed/retention. This should ... serious studying for similar goals and trying out this RC drill, please ...
Hi everyone and Merry Christmas!
It is impossible for me to obtain a score higher than 14 on the RC section. Can anyone suggest how to improve on this section? Any tricks, tips, and advise would be appreciated. Thank you!
I am seeking a tutor forRC. I would like a session once a week for 1.5 hours. If you are an RC tutor (or you know a good RC tutor) please message me for more details.
... fine tuning some of my strategies and doing some last minute ... way to determine passage difficulty forRC. I feel like if there ... difficulty, I could improve my RC score a little bit just ...
I am looking for what books are a good resource for improving RC. Already read the LSAT Trainer and the Bible and they helped but am looking for more improvement and timing.