... of January and scored a 170 on my first post-curriculum ... I was usually scoring between 170-174. I staggered the tests ... it was still the best strategy.) In BR, I spent a ...
... to be a helpful tip/strategy in the context of RC ... RC performance through a new strategy. I am certain it will ... the passage as a new strategy to see how it would ... />
I find that the above strategy can be quite helpful especially ...
as you guys move through the problem sets in the CC do you do them timed, blind review, then check? or do you do them all untimed? just trying to figure out the most beneficial strategy. Thanks
... focus on my test-taking strategy and my timing for each ... all stories have to be 170+ scores and acceptances into the ... everyone here that get a 170+ and acceptances to those schools ...
I took a diagnostic on Khan Academy and scored a 160. I feel really good about how the curriculum has been going. Is it reasonable to think I could score 170+ by the August LSAT? I plan on studying 20-25/week until then.