... LSAC familiarization tool, it looks like the "alternative" view from LSAT ... test day is going to looklike (as opposed to the Default ... scroll through the answer choices like in the Default version?
It doesn’t looklike it because the registration deadline for September is before the score release for July. LSAC anticipated this being somewhat easy for us and put the cabash on it pretty quickly.
Is there anywhere we can get one of those weird stylus pens to practice with? I think I saw a picture of it on reddit and that thing didn't even really looklike a stylus lol it looked like it was just a piece of round plastic at the back of the pen?
... version, and I did not like the responsiveness. I am unsure ... thing didn't even really looklike a stylus lol it looked ... like it was just a piece ...
... I'd have big, ambitious study goals for the day and ... hour shift and expect to study productively for four hours. That ... . Instead of a four hour studysession, I'd plan for an ...
... get a great LSAT score (like prob at least 175+), you ... in what your career will looklike. But if you're thinking ... a year or two to look into different types of MD ...
What do your LGs looklike? Have you fool proofed all of the ones that are available to you? LG will be the easiest way to make up big points if you perform "so-so" on them. Think of the ground you can make up take LG from a -7 or -8 to -1 or -2.
GSU is right. Likely is one of those statements where at first it doesn't looklike it represents "51% or greater" but it does. So: people with university degrees have 51% or greater chance of having dogs than cats. And yes it is also a correlation.
Where do you think your problem lies? Timing? Comprehension? What do your annotations looklike? I'm very jealous of your LG score by the way. Great job!
... sufficient assumption correct answer choice looklike? "All men named Socrates must ... necessary assumption correct answer choice looklike? "Being a man does not ...
... ! I've already found a study partner.
But please ... />
Personally I found that a study group consisting of 2~3 ... when reviewing one passage per studysession. Also, I found that ... to each other before each studysession begins also help improve the ...
I saw this earlier on my work computer and was hoping it would be fixed by my studysession :( I'm not able to access the course tabs, logic games, and discussion tabs from my iPad
... nature. That would be something like, "scientific theories are in flux ... word "inevitably" might make D looklike an appealing answer, but this ... law--it just means something like "obviously": Obviously if facts ... to us, so it feels like a reasonable answer, but ...