My syllabus is no longer updating as I progress through the course: I am having to manually put the green check next to it. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Hey in the trainer schedule it has you take PTs. Should I take these PTs before I start 7sage? I'm not starting 7sage until the summer but I am using the trainer to familiarize myself with the LSAT
I just upgraded my course, should I be going through all of the question sets after a section in a row? (The way it is presented in the syllabus?) OR is there an alternative that I'm missing. Thanks.
Hey I was just wondering does everyone stick to the study schedule? I am a full time student, as well as work part time and was wondering if anyone actually sticks to it or just goes at their own pace?
Just set up a schedule and would appreciate some feedback. ... that some people use this schedule so that we can BR ... be interested. I think this schedule is pretty good since it ...
... would help me with a schedule (I apologize if this is ... looking to commit to a schedule. I take the LSAT in ... I have an extremely busy schedule, and unfortunately there is nothing ...
I was just wondering based upon the question stem, how can you tell if they want to to find the sufficient vs. the necessary assumption and vice versa.