... on how to improve my score on timed PTs. When I take timed PTs ... (such as 70 min instead of 35 min), my score goes ... have already taken about 15 PTs.
The method on 7sage seems like it would ... 'm having trouble with improving on. From what I understand, 7sage ... but I was wondering if on the LSAT I take in ... there only a certain number of ways games are portrayed, that can ... how to do the LG on the 70-74 PT should ...
... with logicgames... Boy,was I wrong. If 68 is any indication of ... how future logicgames will be then I ... led to me walking out of the testing center and going ...
... I have now begun studying logicgames using the LSAT trainer and ... more alarming is the use of circles, squares, and triangles that ... the trainer! The mere visual of the shapes combined with the ... J.Y.'s method for logicgames instead?
- Done half oflogicgames bundle (but I'm very slow on building my ... away right now but return on June 21st. Between then ... and devote the rest of the time to LSAT ...
Do I appear to be on track, and should there be ... mode over the amount of time I have left ...
I am taking the LSAT in October, but I am still struggling with the logicgames. What are the best advice on how to get better in this section. I am not doing well at all.
... , I've been doing the PTs in the late 60s (think ... from 35-55. While these laterPTs been in my normal range ... got distracted during the end of the RC section and had ... this is just that the PTs are harder or that I ...
I always wonder how the individuals taking this test coped with this specific logicgames section. The second game on this was not difficult, but time consuming as hell, and the last game is like "wth is this?"
I'm currently working on the logicgames bundle. While I've been ... speed while doing actual timed games. Should I just pick the ... this point I'm focusing on accuracy not speed. Any comments ...
... starting with logicgames. Would any of you suggest Powerscore's logicgames bible or ... LSAT trainer + fool proof method of the Cambridge bundles for lg ...
Can anyone with the logicgames bundle tell me the specific ... the Cambridge Packets pdfs and PTs all in PDF form before ... just the game sections from PTs 1-35 in order?
... />
I've done only 2 PTs in 70s and just want ... to do those PTs with weird, rare logicgames that threw people ... ..and what other PTs in 70s have weird games?
... am nearing the end of the games portion in the CC ... fool proofing the enormous amount ofgames would take a few ... proof the hell out of these games, but I was wondering ... sets me back two weeks on my study schedule.
... is it do well on the LSAT and that ...
I noticed that 7sage provides a list of foundational in/out logicgames, grouped by easy, medium, and hard. Are there are other sets ofgames for sequencing and grouping games?
... />
Anyway, I trying to drill Logicgames tonight and tomorrow, wondering if ... a list or some examples of "The forgotten few" as Powergames ... Pattern, Circular Linearity and Mapping Games. I'm going to start ... the PT number and section of those I find for anyone ...
Hi Guys,
May the LSAT be forever in your favor. I am having trouble recording myself while doing my logicgames. All my efforts have been futile. Please if anyone knows of any great method or technique to use I will forever appreciate.
... progress, particularly within the realm ofLogicGames, was slow. At the ... broken through in terms of my understanding ofLogicGames and the more difficult ... have scored 164 and 163 on the only practice tests ... I blow up on test day but could later take the ...
... I am currently working on fool-proofing logicgames, however I do not ... below the target time. Grouping gameson the other hand.. not so ... />
Any tips on how to improve time for logicgames?