7Sagers! Our very own Amy Bonnaffons (@amycbon) wrote a short story that's going to be on *This American Life* **this weekend!** Listen to it and be amazed! She is incredible.
Is it ever possible that your personal statement/ diversity statement leads admissions to consider you URM even if you are not part of the categories they mention as being URM?
... if I am considered a URM. I've always considered myself ... on what groups are considered URM's since some old ones ... mexicans/puerto ricans are considered URM's. Would anyone be able ...
... predominant strength for the Mexican American writers to not be tied ... think the author believed Mexican American writers were regional at all ... !!! We could exclude the Mexican American writers completely and the author ...
... which is categorized as a URM and the other a non ... -URM. I’m curious if that’ ... (would I be considered a URM?), and if I could expect ... a URM boost. I have a little ...