From what I understand (after being on a waitlist for a seat for the October test), you are guaranteed a seat for the November test. The only thing that is not certain is which test center you'll be placed at.
There are levels to this, but you can boil most of it down to if you are at or above the 50 percentile GPA and LSAT you will likely get in. If you are not, you will likely not get admitted directly (waitlist, deny, wait longer to hear back etc.)
... start moving people from their waitlist earlier. But I doubt that ... , and the movement off the waitlist will happen then as it ... of being admitted off the waitlist might increase, but there are ...
@AllSmiles4 I have reached out to schools I'm waitlisted at, but it's pretty late in the waitlist process so I'm not optimistic. Many schools also don't have merit aid available anymore.