... I didn't actually READ the darn answerchoices. I just ASSUMED that ... the question and the answers, even when you sort of know what they are ... In rules, pay attention to what it means when "A was ... Louise are committed to AGREEING on. Easy to miss, since the ...
... , and do retakes in the 174-176 range. ... RC is all over the place. There have been ...
I started doing the Puzzle Theory (piecing all of ... of the answers are in the passage, but I'm finding theanswerchoices ... I properly review RC? What can I do to ...
... am eliminating answerchoices. I recognized (A) as the contrapositive of the first gap ... ) with my notes reading “Not what I need.” I recognized (E ... get the correct answer. :(
My questions about this question arethe following ...
... sufficient information to answer which of the following questions? The passage mentions ... 's what I do with these questions.
Jump right into theanswerchoices ... (do not mark theanswer choice out necessarily—we are just testing each ...
... but as long as you are able to hold your ideas ... that you eliminate answerchoices independently to fully understand what's wrong ... you know exactly where things are going as you're ... an answer choice. I think the temptation of watching the explanation for the ...
... BR'ing and am wondering whatthe next best thing to do ... time study before the LSAT, I was wondering what regimen would be ... the best way to ... sections of the course to review.. Any thoughts and suggestions are appreciated ...
... practice differently and was wondering what you think about this? Please ... t understand the logic behind that if you are at the very ... out each answer and exactly WHY I think some are right ... there wrong or correct answerchoices
4) Of the questions I get ...
Second, the 7Sage lessons are fantastic. ... the lessons pretty much with no fundamental understanding of what ... I didn't know what a sufficient or necessary assumption ... t want to talk to the "so what?" video guy, himself? ...
... decided to see what exactly went wrong on the June 2015 ... habits (like consistently diagramming the argument core and not getting ... didn't match my theanswerchoices after the first round), I could ... POINTS better -- that's the difference between my actual 162 ...
... question. I don't understand answerchoices A and C. If someone ... theory could be considered myths. What throws me off of this ... mean that the second part of J's argument "Myths are not ... you could eliminate this answer choice is the word problem, because he ...
... exactly what these question types are called, but they're typically at the ... of the teams...." So if someone could refresh my memory on what ... answer choice. There are rare instances where a rule will eliminate 2 answerchoices ...
Arethe words "all potential" just ... potential from the stimulus and theanswerchoices would he question be the same? because ... you already know that you are talking about nuclear reactor sites ... that are in a geologically quiet ...
... eligible for something. Is this whatthe LSAT writer means as well ... , "Takes for granted that there are only two possible alternative explanations ... events happening concurrently but many answerchoices use the word, "Phenomenon" in a ...
... br />
A) This answer choice is going in the wrong direction. We ... comparative, it's bout what happens to a particular ... I think two countries are being compared which contradicts my ... is the contrapositive of the first two premises and thus the correct answer.
- There are too many flaw questions. (duh...)
- Theanswerchoices describe whatthe argument did ... before we move on to theanswerchoices.
- I think " ... it)" etc.
- When theanswerchoices describe something in categorical terms ...
... step is to understand whatthe possibilities are in this game. It seems ... and G (since they are both finance); the rule ended up looking ... Y H to place. Scanning theanswerchoices quickly, you should see E ... go to the right of J. What can go to the left of ...
... cannot pin point what is exactly wrong with the stimulus. the answerchoices, i seem to do ... me to getting theanswer choice correct or at the minimum , ... flaws or are you paraphrasing/ anticipating theanswer choice most of the time? ...
... explaining why the correct answer is indeed correct and why the other answerchoicesare incorrect ... any resource available that demonstrates what exactly a Sage is thinking ... thinking out loud what their thought-process is to answerthe questions as ...
... only have information about what happened after the new policy was introduced ... in understanding answerchoices C-E. I thought C was the correct answer because ... time employees are hired, then the conclusion does not follow from the premises ...
... prephrase I have the correct flaw but sometimes theanswerchoicesare just worded crazy ... and I have no clue what they ... on a forum indicating the flaw for the wrong answerchoices. Anyone do this ...
... . The 7sage curriculum has made me much more confident in my answerchoices ... . Before doing the core curriculum I just ... + so i'm not sure what this prolonged plateau is all ...
... is it worth the time to make sure the other answerchoicesare wrong? the next question without reading the other answerchoices? or should ... I still read them to make sure that answer ...
... question is asking for theanswer choice that would most ... see how C is the correct answer. In order to chose ... just like the other countries, who are doing exactly whatthe Wildlife Commission ... 4 (seemingly) worse choices. I figured the inference I would have ...
... I think I arrived at the correct answer choice I tend to ... />
Or just reading the first part of theanswer choice and stop when ... I found some words are not ...
... BR process: as you are going through the LR section, for each ... of the question down with full analysis of stimulus and answerchoices (whether ... JY's. I really appreciated what you said - having that immediate ...
Whatare some suggestion on ... answerchoices? I feel like I don't really know what ... suggest to really get the information in front of ... you the idea but towards the 15ish mark there are pieces ... paraphrase that are essential to the stimulus that are hard to ...
... about stray marks on theanswer sheet has troubled me ... the extend that the mark touches the edge of bubbles of other answerchoices ... there is only 1 answer, the one on the right, filled for ... Can someone explain the science of OMR and how are machines processed ...
However, for some reason, there are ... too long to do them. What's helped me with speed ... games is really pre-phrasing theanswerchoices and knowing where to look ... post more but you guys are awesome and give such great ...
... Law programs for the summer that are free of tuition ... about applying. However, from what I'm hearing, they ... just work over the summer in the lab I work ... Bio)
Are these programs worth applying to ... />
Let me know what you think and thank you!