... taken me much longer to complete than I'd ... could change my test date to January; however, while the ... schools I'm applying to accept it, it would ... doubt I'd have much timeto study then anyway.
Any tips on how to maximize the time I have left?
... due to the difficulty of lsat test and limited time i ... beginning from 1991. When it is the besttimeto do these tests starting ... from 1991? Is it effective to ... each section, or better to do it after learning all ...
... ?
- Taking a diagnostic that is not June 2007 (since I ... the best batch?
- Foolproofing--when and for how long (this is subjective ... per week when I start timed practice?
- The besttimeto start timed ...
... about dealing with them. When exactly is the besttimeto go about figuring out ... , how do you know when finding out the distributions will ... of time? Does anyone think it is never a waste of timeto ... do them every time possible ...
... law school (the semester is yet to commence) in India and ... . The Indian undergraduate degree is a five-year program, ... could tell me the right timeto sit for the LSAT. ... Currently, I’m planning to take the test in January ... till mid-2022, is this a good decision?
Should I be doing a blindreview in silence to sort of simulate test conditions without the timer? Was considering listening to music during the blindreview since it takes forever to do but not sure. Any thoughts on this?
After you go through your blindreview and are 100% sure of ... JY's explanation videos after Blindreview even if you were confident ... to make sure I'm getting the most out of my blind ...
Hi I took a preptest recently and a blot of my answers were blank when I went into the BlindReview part. Why does this happen and is there a way to make sure it doesn’t happen again?
Is there a way to see a list of ... back, but had to postpone applying due to my financial situation. ... emails from various points in time offering application fee waivers, but ... LSAC, I assume there is a way to find this information before ...
... which is frustrating.
I do blind reviews and every time I get ... make a mental note to myself not to get the same question ... passages. I feel like every time I blindreview, I'm just gaining ... I have never encountered. Is there a way to improve RC?
I’m taking the November test. Yesterday the May 2020 LSAT-flex came up in the LawHub.
I’m going to take it in a week or so. Let’s blindreview this test together.
I've started toblindreview with the practice tests, and ... bit confused on what PTs toblindreview with. I've done the ... anyone have any thoughts as to whether to start at the very ... beginning of the tests, or to jump ahead and start PT ...
... wondering if it's bestto move on to a new section ... and then come back to the problem sets after ... a while to solidify the knowledge? I' ... soon as I move on to another section, but I ... it's designed in is the best way to go. Let me know ...
... January with a goal to take the test by ... core curriculum and have had to readjust my study schedule ... and may possibly have to keep pushing it even ... hours/week goal. Is it crucial to go through every item ... too long and waste precious time I could be spending ...
... 'm trying to think ahead to what day/time of day ... I'll want to take the test when ... it comes timeto ... will be best for me. Would love to hear about ... actually had a typical time of day that I ...
... , is there a way to flag a question that you want toblindreview later ... it's better for me to have scrap paper and do ... /PTs on my computer screen to better simulate real test conditions ...
... Camo Review method from Elemental Prep. How does it compare toblind reviewing ... in your opinion? Personally, I find it to be ... a better way to go about LR blind reviewing (and possibly reading ... that others have caught on to.
... simple flashcards, Canva is a great resource to make interactive study material ... . Hope it helps! Going to make the rest of the ... definitely clean it up when I have timeto do so!
... held accountable for our study time (since I personally have ... />
a) This group is open to everyone, regardless of where ... and so there is no need to commit to studying with ... Open discussion and blindreview. Sundays will be dedicated toblindreview, as well ...
I usually simulate pts the same way I would take he real LSAT but sometimes it is hard to find timeto spend the timeto take a full test. Is it beneficial to break it down into sections or is not worth the time?