I know 1L prep is generally not advised. However I was considering "Start LawSchool Right" by the LawSchool Toolbox. Can anyone provide feedback? I've looked for reviews but found none. Not sure if this is a new program or not.
... ’m trying to decide which lawschool(s) in Illinois to apply ... interested in scholarship opportunities from law schools so availability of aid ...
So on the LSAC report my Cumulative GPA is higher than Degree GPA, because I transferred from one college to another after my Sophomore year. Any idea which one the lawschool admissions will look at? Thanks!
If someone is not admitted to lawschool because of a low LSAT score, can they use the same exact application for the next cycle with a higher retake score? Assuming they had a solid personal statement and LoRs. Thank you.
... be a non traditional law student who is interested in ... solo practice right out of lawschool. I have a 15 ... the importance of a lawschool's ranking if one ... solo practice right out of lawschool. For background, my LSAT ... score above each local school's top 75%.
... soak in the eagerness for lawschool that has been stripped from ... when I was applying to lawschool. If you have anything you ... would like to ask about lawschool, please comment below. Judging from ...
Can anyone ... what to do prepare for lawschool? What books should I be ... can I start preparing for lawschool exams or what to study ... of learning the black letter law. I know that there is ...
... in getting to the Canadian lawschool I'm hoping for. However ... -time) that I get the school to download it because they ... a request. So basically the school can only see my old ... school and not any of new ...
... November to my top choice lawschool and they rejected me two ... to apply and visit the school. I applied and was rejected ... part of my top choice school, or should I really investigate ...
... 7Sage and I believe the lawschool prep will be well worth ... books to prepare you for lawschool, such as the Short & ... some critical points of the law.
... uncertainty surrounding LSAT dates and lawschool admissions for fall 2021, should ... course, I will then start lawschool in fall 2022 but I ... , what changes do you think law schools will make to their ...