LSAT 152 – Section 4 – Question 15

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This is question data from the 7Sage LSAT Scorer. You can score your LSATs, track your results, and analyze your performance with pretty charts and vital statistics - all with a Free Account ← sign up in less than 10 seconds

In the video, I showed one way in which a small increase in average could have resulted in a large increase in the proportion of obese children. There are other ways too.

Here's one of those ways. Even if everyone gained exactly one pound, it may be the case that there were so many previously-almost-obese-children (within 1lb of obesity) or so few previously-obese children that the one pound gain increases the obese proportion dramatically.

Here's another. A lot of kids could have lost weight. To compensate for those kids losing weight, we'd have to have a lot of kids gaining weight to increase the total average by 1lb. Those kids that gain weight could be the large increase in obese children. If you're statistically inclined, think of it this way. Assume weight is normally distributed. Flatten the curve in the middle and shift the entire curve 1lb to the right. You would get substantially more obese children with a substantial flattening of the curve.

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LSAT PrepTest 152 Explanations

Section 1 - Logical Reasoning

Section 2 - Logical Reasoning

Section 3 - Reading Comprehension

Section 4 - Logical Reasoning

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