Posts in the Admissions Category
With the New York LSAC Forum in their rearview mirror, law admissions officers are officially on the home stretch of their travel season. Sure, they’re still figuring out their last-minute […]
With the ides of October approaching, we hit one of the few times of year when all aspects of the law school admissions ecosystem are equally and extremely stressed. Most […]
Listen and subscribe:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Audible Tajira McCoy hosts her monthly “Deans’ Roundtable” with a number of different directors/deans of admission. With admissions officers in the midst of traveling to law fairs […]
As October proceeds onward and law school admissions officers remember what recruitment event they’re attending by the kind of foliage they see outside their hotel window (“Hmmmm, the leaves are […]
With the calendar turning to October, law school admissions officers are still out on the road attending law fairs and organizing recruitment events. Like a runner used to doing long-distance […]
Listen and subscribe:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Audible Right now, you’re applying. Trying to figure out how each school is different can be a challenge. So we check in with a current Duke Law […]
With the first wave of LSAC Forums hitting their schedules last week, law school admissions officers are spending this week … and next week … and the one after that […]
With law fairs rolling along accordingly and the Harvest Moon in the air (and not just a Harvest Moon, but a Harvest Blood Super Moon with a twist of “lunar […]
Listen and subscribe:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Audible Tajira McCoy hosts her monthly “Deans’ Roundtable” with a number of different directors/deans of admission. With applications having just opened, the focus of the conversation is […]
With the calendar turning to the middle of September, we’ve hit the first full week of “travel season” for law school admissions officers. Events in Kansas City (MINK Law Day) […]