The fact that we do not know the increase in the cost of traditional plants is why this argument needs AC D. If we know that TPP is less than 20x the cost of traditional plants 20 years ago, we know have a basis for comparing the two (you can plug i…
You cannot understand "such" an application without training is referential phrasing. Such refers to the application of statistics, so the link word is essentially application of statistics.
The National Association of Fire Fighters says that 45 percent of homes now have smoke detectors, whereas only 30 percent of homes had them 10 years ago. They argue that early detection is not more likely because over 50% (say 60%) of the detectors …
Hi there! With your reasoning, that homelessness is a serious social problem would be the conclusion. This sentence is more so context. The “but further government spending to provide low-income housing is not the cure for homelessness” is our main …
What we know: The press has the right to pander. Why? It needs to make profits. Why? Because if it was not profit making-------/be supported. What is the alternative to making profits/pandering? Getting subsidies. There are 2 issues with this: 1) no…
@miriaml7 it sounds like your reasoning is sound! In your example you used 1.5 where as I used 1 to rule out the possibility of having less than 2 weeks unused. Either way works!
(A) Jennifer did not use two weeks of the paid vacation time to which she was entitled past year. She is entitled to three weeks, plus max half of the unused weeks from the previous year. We know that she is using 4 weeks or 3 weeks + 1 from the pre…
@"Juliet --Student Service--" I just double checked! I think I may have had the filter on when adding up the values, and potentially missed one or two. Regardless, I’m glad to know the values are exact now! Sorry for all the trouble and thank you s…
@Christopherr thank you so much for the response! I actually did read the “not”. I was trying to demonstrate that bottlers could respond to lower raw milk prices by lowering bottled milk prices proportionately (thereby eliminating this AC as a poten…
Regarding AC D, if the raw milk price and bottled milk price decrease proportionately, then there is no net change in the markup.
For example:
$10 retail price - $5 raw milk price = 50% mark up
Following a proportional 10% decrease:
$9 retail …
First, you are amazing for even attempting to write this test and powering through despite your anxiety. I would recommend using Calm or Headspace (free meditation apps) and exercising, as well as giving yourself a daily reminder of your achievement…
Hey! I don't have much advice, but just know that 6 points is a big deal! Something I have been hearing a lot is that progress is not linear, and its true. Definitely think of adjusting your study strategy by reflecting on what is working and what i…
Congratulations!!! That is an amazing score increase! Do you have any reading comprehension tips or timing strategies to share? I'm really struggling in these areas