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PT June 2007.S2.Q5, 11, 18, 20, 22, 24
Not quite sure if this is the appropriate category to ask this question, but here goes...<br /> <br /> I just finished the "Intro to Arguments" les…
getting 19-20 correct on LR sections, losing all pts in games/RC
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Strategies for 20 points Improvement from 150s to 170s?
Hi. Is there anyone who made such a drastic improvement?<br /> Would really appreciate if they can share their experience and strategies. Thanks a l…
Useful to practice LR questions from PrepTest 1-20?
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Cambridge LSAT Problems (LR 1-20) 2010
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PT 20
PT 20 S1 Q6 "Besides laying eggs in her own"
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PT69.S4.Q20 - unusually large and intense forest fires
Hi All, This question gave me some issues during my timed take and BR. I'm hoping to talk through it and get someone else's perspective. We are…
... /lsat-69-section-4-question-
May 2017
Logical Reasoning
Burn Out?
Hi all I was wondering if anyone else had this experience. I just finished the PT's from PT's 42-51 (the red book) and I was averaging about 18-20 on…
... I was averaging about 18-
on LR. I just started ...
Mike Danenberg
May 2017
Should I take the lsat in June?
I registered for the June exam long time ago and was planning on postponing till September, but it seems like I'd be 90% ready by June. I'm scoring…
... equally much time as shedding
pounds in the beginning... Lol ...
May 2017
What PTs should I take?
After the CC, I have worked through PTs 1-4. I'm planning on taking the test in September but I can push it back if need be. My scores are 162, 160, …
... /> Should I start taking PTs
+? Is it worth it to ...
May 2017
PT74.S4.Q17 - under the legal doctrine
People who have done a lot of PTs often talk about the shift in language in the last 10 PTs, yet don't always know how to articulate what that shift …
... compared to older tests (PTs
I think ...
May 2017
Logical Reasoning
LR Timing: "10 in 10" vs "Giving the question the time it needs"
I've been really struggling with LR timing. I watched the webinar here (, in which they sug…
... only been getting through 17-
questions per LR, getting 2 ...
May 2017
Logical Reasoning
Abstract language.
I have an issue with the harder flaw reasoning questions. 99 times out of 100 i can point out the flaw. Hell i can make a stand up comedy routine abo…
... . PT 41 section 3 question
Has anyone else ...
May 2017
Logical Reasoning
Are you allowed to sell official LSATs (paper copies)
Hi All, I have finished up my LSAT studying and am seeking advice. I understand you aren't allowed to sell LSAT PDFs, but are you allowed to sell …
... ? I have purchased about 15-
LSATs from Amazon and am ...
May 2017
PT65.S4.Q11 - prairieview yard size
I understand the flaw in the correct answer choice, but not how it applies to Tom's argument in the stimulus. D : "Fails to apply a general rule t…
... : Property lines in Prairieview start
feet from the street, so ... ? General rule: Property lines start
feet from the street, so ...
May 2017
Logical Reasoning
Which Logic Games to focus on
Hey guys, I plan on taking the LSAT in September and I want to focus on just logic games for about 3-4 weeks (as long as it takes to get to a nea…
... LG section from PT 1-
- two sections a day. Really ...
May 2017
Logic Games
Is Perfecting Logic Games Possible For Me?
Hi, Would this be the best plan to perfect the logic games by September 15? 1. Finish the core material as fast as I can. I am 40 percent of …
... used any of the newest
tests. I have the newest ...
Kade Katrak
May 2017
Logic Games
LSAC's New initiatives under a new President & CEO
> To enhance its commitment to access and diversity, LSAC has entered an innovative partnership with the Khan Academy to develop free, online practic…
... digital LSAT exam on May
, 2017. Further, LSAC has made ...
June 2017
Permanent LSAT Plateau? Advice appreciated
I'm taking the June 12th LSAT. My first diagnostic was 152 and highest was 162; I would say my average is 161 and goal is 164. I have been studying d…
... course, I have taken nearly
(timed and proctored through the ...
June 2017
RC struggles 2 days before the june sitting
Hello guys, ive been consistently scoring 20+ on RC yet in the last few days I've been getting scores as low as 14 i suspect its a sorting iss…
... />
ive been consistently scoring
+ on RC yet in the ...
June 2017
Reading Comprehension
September or december?
So a little background information. I studied for 3 months prior to this past decembers LSAT, i used the bibles and i was grossly unprepared and did…
... schedule will only allow for
PTs between finishing foolproofing and ...
June 2017
How to approach LORs - went to large public school
Hi everyone, I was wondering if you guys had insight as to what I should do. I went to a pretty large public school where, for most of my classes,…
... select few smaller classes with
-40 people, so I was ...
June 2017
Law School Admissions
[Test Center Review] Furman University Greenville, SC
10/10 Genuinely could not have been a better environment. The entire group of test-takers was split into three subgroups (sounds like the start of a…
... of room:** Typical classroom. Fit
or so test takers very ...
LSAT Is Coming
June 2017
Test Center Reviews
Re-taking the test - What should I do differently
Hi, I took the June test but I will probably need to re-take so I will start studying. Last time I studied from the LSAT Trainer and then signed up …
... actual PT score was about
points lower. My question is ...
June 2017
PT dilemma
So i studied for 3 months and sat for the december LSAT, were i received a score i was unhappy with. During that time i studied in a hap-hazardous wa…
... i only planned on taking
or so timed PTs, so ...
June 2017
September 2017 LSAT
PT20.S2.P4 (Q26) - in the dynamics of apocalypse
Hey everyone! Having a bit of difficulty with this passage. It's from the first RC problem set in the core curriculum. I was wondering if anyone coul…
... />
Cecilia Z
June 2017
Reading Comprehension
Red herrings in difficult SA Qs
I was just drilling SA questions and noticed that a lot of difficult SA Qs have red herrings (distractions) in the stimulus. How do you identify the…
... .3.21, pt 35.1.
have red herrings.
June 2017
Logical Reasoning
Looking for some advice on how to prepare with lots of time for December 2 2017?
**HELLLLLOOOOO 7SAGE COMMUNITY** Okay, you know i saw this as one of my options after exams ended in the middle of April, but i had the POWERSCORE…
... using PT LR Questions 1-
, then
-35 i would save ... foolproof method using PT 1-
or up to 35
June 2017
According to this article most frequent LR types? seem accurate?
Additionally since I am starting out, how would experienced LSATers rank from most difficult to least difficult the top 5 on this list, just to so i…
... over the past 15 to
The numbers ...
June 2017
Logical Reasoning
Help with LR drilling
Hello everyone, I am in the process of drilling 1-2 LR sections per day from PT's 1-35 and am having some issues. I seem to be going right around…
... to be going right around
/25 on most sections and ...
June 2017
LR - Scoring higher on harder sections
In my drills (20's to 30's), I score -3/-4 for easier sections and -1/-2 for harder sections. What does this mean and has this happened to any of you…
In my drills (
's to 30's), I score -3/-4 for easier sections and -1/-2 for harder sections. What does this mean and has this happened to any of you? How do I overcome this?
July 2017
Logical Reasoning
Should I retake?
I'm a bit bummed -- scored 2 points higher than where I was averaging my first few practice tests and 6 points under my average across my most recent…
... average across my most recent
(in fact, the lowest of ...
LSAT Is Coming
July 2017
June 2017 LSAT
To retake or not to retake
So I took the June LSAT and just received my score (164). I've been studying since December, and took the live online class through powerscore and fi…
... so easy (I got a
/23, well above my average ...
July 2017
Early Decision Question
I've been thinking about where I want to apply in a few months and if I want to apply early decision to any school. I'm from the midwest and I'd like…
... stay here at a top
school with more of a ...
July 2017
Law School Admissions
Does anyone plan on working during law school?
Some of you might be like me out there and are unmarried, will be receiving no help from parents, and are fully self-funding. I'm expecting to take o…
... about not working more than
hours per week, and some ...
July 2017
Hello 7Sage (: I have been studying on and off since January, with school making studying a bit difficult. Regardless, it is now 72 days until the…
... ,43,45)
154 (LR: -
, RC: -10, LG: -7)
July 2017