@jk2007 They made a huge announcement on the forum as well as in various pages within the curriculum that PDF's would disappear. If I remember correctly, these notices were up for at least 3weeks.
Last time I got my score 3weeks after I took the test. By the way, your score will be right there in the body of your email. You won't need to log in or anything. So when you get the email from LSAC be ready.
^^LOL 3weeks left. I'm planning on taking 5 more PTs. Was going to do 6 but like the idea of not doing one a couple days before game day, so i'll just drill LG a couple days before. Good luck to all!
If you've just started PTs now, you're really doing yourself a disservice by taking the test in 3weeks. Reschedule for December and continue to prep with the same level of urgency so that you can be ready by then.
He took tests for 3weeks and said he eventually recognized answers. He said the lsat is a test of speed so juat taking it over and over again is the way to go (according to him).
... timed Prep Tests. Within 2-3weeks after the curriculum I was ... range. That took about 9-weeks total. I don't think ... -days a week. I took 3 prep tests a week and ...