I wanted to hear opinions and gather data on weighing the costs and benefits of applying to law school after fall semester (early December at my university) with a higher GPA compared to applying much earlier in the ...
Hi everyone! I'm registered for the Sept. 2017 exam but have weird background and need advice on whether you recommend I study this month & take it or wait until Dec., and also would like to know how detrimental it would be to apply when Dec. scores ...
So I just caught myself today having completely forgot how to approach MSS questions. I forgot they are asking for a conclusion. It just flew out of my mind. Over the last 5 tests I've missed roughly 7 of these questions because of this. I didn't have any ...
Just a heads up-- According to the LSAC's website, the FSU and FGCU testing centers will be closed for the September 16, 2017 test administration date. The LSAC will continue to update its website as it is notified about which centers will be closing.
I'm in South Florida and the Sept. 16 test was postponed due to the hurricane. I got an email today saying I could stand-by at an open center (over an hour away) this Saturday the 23rd or I can take it on Oct. 14th at my original center (10 mins away) ...
Does LSAC release everyone's scores on the same day or do some people get it earlier than others ? Also is the date that's posted online the day when it will be released or is that an estimate by them of when they will be finished scoring and etc ?
Any idea when PT82 will become available for purchase? How soon after that can we expect explanations from 7Sage? Might this happen before the December test date?