When you have extra time at the end of an LR section, is it strategically wiser to first go back to questions you flat out skipped (due to their initial perceived difficulty) or to questions completed but marked for review due to some uncertainty?
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... awful. It's not a timing issue either, as I have ... been doing this timing strategy: 15 mins for questions ... have that cushion and the timing strategy really works for me ... ? Should i switch up my timing method? Am I overthinking these ...
I was wondering if anyone may know why this may be the case but I noticed that for many of the "easy" logic games (based of the 7Sage Recommended time) I struggle to meet the 5-6 mins for easy games ( I take around 7 mins usually and sometimes 8) but for ...
So, I joined 7sage May 24, 2017. As of today, I have completed all 91 hours of the course. Do I jump into taking a timed test? Or, do I just take a test - no timer- and see where I am on questions?