I definitely am not aiming for 1st tier law schools, I was wishing if I have a chance for 2nd tier.
With my terrible GPA, I start to worry even if any of the 2nd/3rd tier school would take ...
Was wondering what role if any the undergrad school you attended plays in the law admission process i.e. if a higher ranked school looks better, lower looks worse - increasing or decreasing chances respectively?
I am currently applying for Law School and notice some schools have slightly different requirements. Harvard allows for two pages resumes- Yale doesn't. Columbia and Duke want specific things in your Personal Statement, others don't. Chicago wants hours ...
Do I get to see what my transcript or what the admission will see? I’ve graduated forever and a day ago and I honestly don’t remember mg gpa and what I did badly on. Makes it hard to write an addendum.
I remember a few people missed the Sept test so if you want to take November you can register for it until midnight tonight. I believe LSAC doesn't give extensions. Good luck.
I will have several school visits coming up. What type of attire is considered proper when touring a school and talking to the admission committee? Any advice?
When you get that wonderful call from the Dean of one of your top choices offering you admission, do you send a thank you email? I really am appreciative and happy; but is there a protocol to these things?
... read before the test - check. Admission ticket - ...fuck.
I ... had forgotten my admission ticket in my roommate's ... s library. I needed that admission ticket - it was the only ... 2) Print more than one admission ticket and staple one on ...
Q: Do minority students who do not fit the tradition URM (under-represented minority) definition get any boost in admissions by submitting a diversity statement?
I understand that traditionally URM includes African Americans, some Hispanics, ...