Did anyone else thought testmasters sucked? I honestly learned majority of my logic game techniques from 7sage videos...thank God for 7sage free YouTube videos.
Just wanted to clarify something. For both rules in in out games are we able to make the inference that one of the two items has to be in the 'in' group and one in the out group?
... to be so bad on logic games and i actually thought ... only got 7 wrong on Logic Games which is great for ... and get 10 wrong on Logic Games. I am really really ...
Even though I went with a different prep company than 7sage, I learned how to do the games faster from 7sage. However, I am still struggling with timing. It's takes me 9-14 minutes to do one game whether it's easy or not. One game used to take me the whole ...
... entire focus has been on logic games. I've probably printed ... only to destroy some innate logic I've developed before the ... also worried of making my logic formulaic (as stupid as that ...
Hi guys,
I would like to know which games are usually harder(and/or time consuming) among 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. So far, I have seen 1st game is usually easier, and 3rd one is harder. Sometimes, 4th one is also harder. My problem is, while taking ...
How many minutes should be spent on writing out rules + making rule inferences?
I typically spend 2 minutes reading the rules and writing them out. And by the time I am finished with inference making 4-5 minutes has gone by. But I do finish ...