... time should I leave to review LR questions within a section - I ... really, plain old skipping LR questions - I have been able to ... to leave left over for review before time is up? Also ... minutes for the last 5 questions of a section - I've ...
Hey Guys, so I know JY had a blindreview session on the reading comp and other sections. Is there a way for me to retrieve the webinars for this blindreview?
Also, where can I go to get the video explanations/discussions for PT 84?
From ... entirely unsure of and you review thoses before checking your ...
However, I plan on blind reviewing the entire test -one ... test a week with one blindreview section per day, averaging ...
Is there a way to open up all the BlindReview fields with only 1 button press? Currently, I am individually clicking on the 100 question numbers before I can enter the BlindReview score.
I just started the core curriculum, at what point should I start using blindreview?
If I should I be using it for the problem sets at the beginning, then how long should my timer be?
How do you do blindreview with the problem sets when checking your answers? All I see are the correct answers when I go to check my first rounds answers
... option to blindreview comes up. For this pt, the blindreview grading did ... "save and submit changes". My blindreview score came up as the ... unable to put in my blindreview answers. Any solution?
... wondered whether you all think BlindReview is worth doing at 170 ... it isn't removed during BlindReview. My mistakes are all over ... 't help. Given the situation, BlindReview doesn't seem like a ... there a better way to review PTs at this stage? What ...
... ? Or just stop, do the blindreview, then input the answers I ... got on the blindreview? I'm just lost as ... our raw scores and our blindreview scores. #help
... wondering if any of you blindreview logic games? Fool proofing has ... I don't know if blind reviewing my logic games after ... logical reasoning and reading comp. Blindreview for both of LR and ...
So... I have taken a PT and not completed BR for it... I was planning on doing it when I had more time, though now when I am trying to do the blindreview, I cannot access it. Is there a way to do this that I am just not seeing?
... the middle of my first blindreview. I can't seem to ... select an answer during the blindreview if I'm not changing ... trying to make sure my blindreview score will be accurate