... , I try to take my time and ignore the clock. Usually ... accuracy rather than finishing on time (scoring in mid-high 160s ... knowing that when I blindreview and take my time with all the ...
... the test, 4 hours to blindreview the entire test, 4 hours ... to check answers and review the test (watch video ... to blindreview anymore (they just did the blindreview during within the time allotted ... 2-3 days to fully review a test).
Hey Guys, so I know JY had a blindreview session on the reading comp and other sections. Is there a way for me to retrieve the webinars for this blindreview?
Also, where can I go to get the video explanations/discussions for PT 84?
Is there a way to open up all the BlindReview fields with only 1 button press? Currently, I am individually clicking on the 100 question numbers before I can enter the BlindReview score.
I just started the core curriculum, at what point should I start using blindreview?
If I should I be using it for the problem sets at the beginning, then how long should my timer be?
Hello, Firsttime poster. I am starting to PT, I am not sure if BR is helping me. Does anyone have any tangible evidence in their experience with PT and BR impacting or improving their scores?
Thank you,