... for the LSAT during breaks or downtime at work and when ... as you'll need to buyPTs and the like now. As ... . If you need any help or have any questions feel free ...
... 's an Amazon link to buy the book:
http://www ... a full course, you can buy one (or read about them) here ... 's a list of affordable PTs you can pick up: pts-paperback-hard-copy
Yes buyPTs. You really want your PT sample set to be around 40 or 50 (mine was also around 15-20). The LSAT trainer helped me a lot on RC and is not that expensive.
... am doing as many PTs as i can now ... , and i did the PTs until 44, and today ... just the rest of the PTs up to 58 (I ... to do all the PTs if i upgrade by ... me to continue doing older PTs, or if i should just ... this cycle I would say buy individual.
... ;I’ll probably have to buyPTs 1-10 online. I think ... to try and purchase individual PTsor LSAC's PT books. or should I skip to 71 ... in a retake every 3 or so PTs? That way you'll ... exam date (say a month or two before). Most of all ...
... 've had a wonderful month or so of consistently okay scores ... />
Any kind words and/or suggestions would be much appreciated ... same, just not in my PTsor drills of timed sections. Merp ...
... the time, just sometimes]. During PTs (usually in the first section ... happens when taking full-length PTs, or if I decide to dissect ... (due to either time constraints or my lack of intention to ... 's a stroke of luck, or w/e. If anyone has ...
... they get wrong on the PTs? Or do you all just track ... why you got it wrong? Or do you just write the ... for me to do this or if it would just be ... actually got wrong. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
... br />
I study an hour or so every morning before work ... evening drills than during weekend PTs.
I' ... meditating for 10 minutes or so when I get ... gym between work and studying or taking a nap? ... BRs from my weekend PTsor simply read some old ...
... a course or group that does just live proctored LSAT PTs? If ... , bi-weekly or monthly even) to take live proctored PTs??
< ... of setting up live proctored PTs, other people should benefit too ... out there already meeting for PTs, or if anyone is interested in ...
... took a couple more PTs scoring around the same; ... date and another 40 PTs to do, I feel ... review of my most recent PTs. Overall, I feel ... the remaining PTs and use BR between PTs? Or should I postpone ... on their 3rd attempt, or people that feel woefully ...
... sections from the older PTsor begin full PTs from 36 and up ... drilling LR by complete sections or by specific question types. For ... sections and question types before or after beginning full PT phase ... more a preference or are there strong reasons to ...
It's that time of year again :)
Does anyone have a used180Watch that they'd be willing to sell at a discounted rate? I am also definitely interested in any other watch that has start/stop and reset buttons. If anyone has used an analog timer and ...