I started doing my LSAT practice ... . I felt like I hit a ceiling, then I tried 7sage and realized that I ... was gambling not solving. I have ... the gains in my PT score. However, I wonder at what score ...
I don't know why this is my downfall. I have rewatched the sections countless times and still get tripped up. Does anyone have recommendations? Or can you share how you conceptualize them? I would be so so so grateful.
... some advice. I start doing a PT (especially I am talking about ... an LG section) where I ... certain game which I know is something Ican handle. I stop the ... time it goes flawlessly. How canI fix this? This especially happens ...
I have been foolproofing all logic games from PT 1 ... 2 months now. I am currently on PT 19 and foolproofing until ... is: how many logic game sections did it take you to ... />
Like I said, i'm on PT 19 and I still have timing ...
... me just say, 7sage is worth it. I started studying on my ... interested in T10 schools. I did 7sage and made it through the ... August-September, including 20+ PT's. I got a 171 on the ... over the place on my PT's - with a few 178 ...
... exam. I would get really down on myself as it can be ... manage my expectations regarding my PT scores (and LSAT scores) ... , which questions I fell for trap answer, using 7Sage video explanation) continually ... hope you January test takers can get your dream score!
Just got november score back. Did well enough to the point where I'm at the LSAT median of my goal school. If I apply ED right now while scheduled to take the January test, will my app be bumped back/hurt?
... section) to the point where Ican't process the stimulus correctly ... better as I continue to take timed sections more frequently. I just began ... LR section this week as I was previously drilling and focusing ... BR scores. I just took PT 62 section 2 (I believe it's ...
... half ago and I recently took another PT on 7sage, but I am still ... in the same score area. I got 7sage ... about a week ago I didn't understand ... then. If anybody thinks they can help me or knows someone ...
... my any means--I'm just another 7sage student. But I have worked ... expensive LSAT tutor, and I am currently PT'ing 173-175 with ... my roomates unexpectedly coming home). IPT'd in the mid 160 ... to you as soon as Ican! Good luck everyone!!!
... This time around, I've been doing 7Sage for 4 months, ... bunch of practice tests. I wrote the November 2020 ... when I first got it, because I thought I had ... />
I'm wondering whether I should rewrite the LSAT ... specifically Ontario ones) and I have a 3.87 ...
Where canI find the written out guide ... all the tags mean? I am trying to identify the ... question types I tend to get wrong, ... but I am confused by the tags ...
I just took PT 85 S3 and on ... using an RRE method. I see exactly why this question ... my favourite question type as Ican often get them right even ... :)
Is there anyway to drill/input answers for analytics for the leftover section if I took a PT in the flex format? Ican't seem to take the last section unless I print it out and just do it by hand.
... studying again in January. I am a Canadian school ... .
I have been pt-ing on average around ... Though my two last pt’s were 163 and ... but obviously I am not sure whether Ican reasonably expect ... couple of days. though Ican try, I suppose. this would ...
I would like to purchase either ... , but have several questions before I purchase. I clicked the "Contact Us ... directs me to FAQ page. I just want to make sure ...
Hello :) I feel devastated after seeing ... and it was 151. I'm actually aiming for 175 ... + .. actually I'm thinking of cancelling my ... think Ican increase my score in 2 months? I definitely think I ... it with high score but I want to take LSAT ...
I just took PT 89 and did really well! ... up from my previous scores. I progressed about 7 points from ... two weeks earlier. Is PT 89 considered to be fairly ... easy or did I actually improve this much? I set the ... it only consisted of three sections rather than 5.
I know the analytics uses prep tests. Is there a way we can add individual sections to it? Say I drill the logical reasoning from pt 5 canI add that to the analytics?
Hi all (administrators who can help as well), I remember signing up for a webinar about admissions through 7sage. Where canI find the webinar link? I don't see anything in my email and I do not want to miss it.
Thanks for any help!
... , but I'm curious how to use 7Sage to study. I think I want ... to take August 2021 LSAT. I ... into my studies, I got covid. I've had 7sage for about a ... I skip around? Should I jump to the sectionsI struggle with most? Should I ...
... goal was 155. I'm now PT'ing in the low ... due to time. Ican do them, but I've not yet ... was a struggle. Then I quit PT's and just worked ... fundamentals for two months and boom. I ... that next level" is bored, I'd greatly appreciate your opinion ...
Hi! I've seen discussions online about the standard number of questions you can get wrong to score 170 (-7). Does anyone know what that number typically is for higher 170 scores, like 176? Does -3 or -4 sound right?
... Flex). I received the 154 after using 7Sage Prep between ... the 160 and the 154. I ... schools next year because I believe I am still aiming ... the T6 and T14). I have a Master's ... well.