... graduated in my program with distinction, and I am certain I ... semesters straight in a course with section sizes of no ... had established an intimate relationship withand who would do the same ... ve had deal with while attending high school and undergrad, my ...
... got my email from LSAC and was informed that my score ... looked at my bubble sheet and realized that RC for Question ... 3 was left blank. And all of the responses afterward ... just got off the phone with LSAC and they said that my ...
... bought a book from Barnes and Noble, immediately registered to take ... are 7, 5, & 3), and I work full-time, so ... put in my best effort, and I was able to pull ... see a big improvement! Stick with it, and trust the process, even ...
... to and I had a decent personal statement written out. Now with ... blanket the T-14 schools with applications and hope for the best ... to be more surgical with my applications and target schools that are ... -traditional with a 5 year gap between bad grades and 4.0 ...
... />
Exactly two people are matched with x, and they are consecutive.
C is matched with z.
... There are exactly two spaces between C and ... chart to show which matched and the other as a ...
... brain fart while reading and having to re-read ... and having to underline things which takes up so much time. With ... BR and spending as much time ... the 160-165 range but with the timer on I ... The exam is so close and I'm getting super worried ...
... correct inference of a passage and where one of the answer ... which one is a conclusion and which one is an inference ... anyone explain what is the difference between Inference and Conclusion?
... to be just yet. And so naturally, I've ... down and write out how far I've come with ... could all celebrate our growth and keep moving forward. with each question type. with -11, and this took months and months of work ...
... that piece of paper with the section and numbers I had ... gotten wrong and redid the problems. I ended up with a ... manage expectations between blind review and timed tests?
... margin shrink over time (ideally with timed and br growing in score).
... senior year of undergrad and did an awful job ... I thought was unnecessary and basic like of course ... take a “break” and never really went back ... really taking my time with it and realizing how many ... first diagnostic and it will be discouraging and stressful. if ...
Anyways, I started with 144 and the 3 recent tests I ... t have any strong section and I need improvement in ... ve been foolproofing 20-35 and I've foolproofed some ... m planning to take June and Sept test... In my ... now, I'm tired and lost as to what/how ...
... my strongest section, with usually going between -3 and -5 timed. It ... one question with confidence. My brain goes completely blank and I feel ... -____- has anyone had experience with this, and what did you do?
... I should probably work with a professional and I'm trying to ... anxiety/stress or if working with a consultant will get me ... professional about my LOR, resume and various questions that come up ... help on your experience with consultants and how you chose one would ...
... that LSAC allows test takers with disabilities to take the ... LSAT with some accommodations. I have a few questions about qualifying and ... (6-8 years old) with ADHD and dyslexia. I went to a ... that specialized in teaching children with learning disabilities. I had ...
... , other stuff that goes with ownership) and those living in large metropolises ... like New York with significant ... transportation infrastructure (and parking costs equal ...
... put in the work, and combined with a decent aptitude for the ... engine with 87 octane. The engine knocks, gets less power and ... like shooting the sh*t with people and driving my car (I ... ridiculously high scores and claim that they achieved this with minimal work ...
... Feb for the 1st time and started studying in Late December ... , family of 5, with BS and PhDs in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from ... can get into to schools with my numbers now I would ... would do both but with a family and a full time job ...
... want to reach out and see who would be ... I have a car and can drive to most places ... likely for me to accomplish and make me better prepared ... the only one struggling with timing and taking timely PTs. I ... for the June 2018 administration and am gunning for that ...
... my game board set up (and JY's set up) both ... C and E would work just fine ... W gets to trade off with V, and that makes both HW ... and YW possible.
Can anyone ... ? I am just super confused with it now.
... got into UCI with 60k and UIUC (illinois urbana champaign) with 108k. and admissions officers in UCI told ... parents will help me with housing and I have some money ... in the process of negotiating with UCI and should hear back later ...
... send it back to you with notes, and so on. Our feedback ... issues of language and tone, ending finally with a triple proofread ... via essays—and we tend to hire consultants with a deep ... background in creative writing and editing. ...
Does anyone know the difference between "reserve" and "hold" waitlists? My friend and I got these two different ones. I asked the admissions office but they didn't tell me outright which one is better or worse-- they just said that they're "different."
... is filled to the brim with distractions, and at times I go ... to go to a place with less distraction for more focused ... I stay put at home and practice testing despite loud noises ... , conversations and a great deal of general ...
... guides/advice, I started with LG and fool proofed games 52-80 ... how stressed I was with the LSAT and how much of my ... . Be honest with yourself and keep working. Improvements are slow and what works ... YOU. You know yourself best. Andwith that said, I think that ...
... LSAT as well as deal with other issues (see below). ... plan was to start with the Trainer in February, ... start doing PT’s with the September group, but ...
I started studying with the LSAT Trainer a few ... course that really stuck with me and it is that ...
... to share my experience with you and share in my ... for the September Exam, and considering all the discussions ... first PT, post CC, with a 169 on BR. ... with how much I must have absorbed from JY's lessons and ... motivated than ever now, and I genuinely believe now ...
Soooo maybe I’m wrong or maybe I’m crazy but I just figured out that with disagree and agree questions, the answer appeals to the conclusion of the first speaker. Is that a hack or am I reaching