I do not know of anyone else ... stupid mistakes. When I do the blindreview I usually get the right ... but still same mistakes. I do not know if its my ... need more timed practice. Can you guys advice on what techniques ... the 15-17 range? Thank you ;)
How often doyou guys review your stack of questions ... />
Reviewing these questions that you didn’t get right, certainly ... the longer it takes to review. (It took a little ... hour for me to review all 160 of them. ... take quite awhile to review all of these questions ...
... before test day. I usually do 3 hours in the morning ... a day, doyou study all at once or doyou separate it into ... />
Also, what time of day doyou guys usually study? I find ... .
And lastly, what doyou guys do to avoid distractions/interruptions while ...
For Comparative RC how doyou attack questions like this. The answers are usually a key term and very short. Is there any proven method or doyou just start searching both passages and eliminate until you find your answer?
For LR clearly. When you see a question involves heavy Lawgic say MBT MBF Parallel reasoning etc.. Doyou start mapping the lawgic right away or read it first then read it again and Map it out?
I made this quick two pager on blindreview to stick up next to my study desk. Quick and dirty, but I've found it helpful to glance up at.
http://cl.ly/3F2m1Q1y2602 (BR Instructions)
http://cl.ly/0s2d3Y071911 (Analysis)
Doyou keep them? Throw them away? I'm not sure what to do. I usually don't go back to them, and try to get a fresh copy instead. But I was just wondering what you all do with yours. Thanks!
Just for fun, because I noticed both my wife and I say LSAC/LSAT differently. I go the "word" approach and sat ELSAT, where she goes the letter approach and says L-S-A-T.
... how many PTs doyou still have to do if you want to take ... the Sept. test?
Did you ... all of the PTs you want to finish and ... doyou still have fresh PTs you are going to do? How are you ... may not be the one you want to take...
Besides the questions in the title...
What doyou usually do during those days?
I took a couple of days off and sometimes I even needed 1 week or so to get refreshed...I feel like I take too many days off...
When you draw sub-game board or mini game board for questions that add new rules, doyou draw "X cannot be here" or "X must be here" rule each time? Or doyou just refer to the original board for those rules?
... or "don't write until you feel ready," but the score ... an option either, but doyou guys think getting a score ... , I know, but as you guys can tell, I'm ... per week, so I might do that.
... and its discussion forum. You guys are phenomenal people.
... 10 questions are easiest and you should just pick the ans ... . you think correct without seeing other ... so on average how long doyou take per question in this ...
... are in any 7sage courses, doyou listen to all of his ... explanations?
(I mean PT you have done)
Or just ... questions you were not sure or got ...