'Is it possible to unchecked a lesson ? I wanna remove the green heck mark because I accidentally went through the lesson but didn't finish it . Would rather not star it since that means " important / focus on again/ confusing " in my head.
Can someone guide me to the lesson that talks about the key words, I got the for,since, because one but key words like yet, however etc. which lesson is that?
... (vice versa with existential) is blended with the existential idea? Weakening maybe ... great job explaining how negating existential / conditional ideas was accomplished, but ...
I should clarify I am confused about the negations! How does it result that from a statement such as "All cats are black" to Neg Some cats /black OR (this is the one I'm confused about)... cats and /black. I don't understand the "and"?
Hello! I am struggling to see how and where each lesson applies to what section of the actual test. Is there anywhere for me to find that info? I think it will be more helpful for my learning if I am understanding the end goal.
In lesson 16 of 18, we are ... explanation to Exercise 3 in Lesson 16, we are told the ... />
**Admin Note:** https://7sage.com/lesson/quiz-advanced-premise-conclusion-identification ...
I started out well on the MSS section, but did worse as the problems got harder (4s and 5s). Should I move on to the next lesson or tighten up my understanding of MSS?
... in question is LR Weakening lesson 13/21, PT32 S1 Q12 ... Bear Navigation"(https://7sage.com/lesson/animal-navigation-weaken-question/?ss_completed_lesson ...