I have the Cambridge games packet. What would be the best way for me to use them for a month of logicgames only. Should I just go through them one by one or should I mix them. Let me know what you think.
... split game boards. For some games splitting the game boards is ... extremely advantageous and if I do so then I am able ... .4. What doyou guys look for ingames to decide whether you will split ... has said in some of his videos that if you have more ...
Howdo others do this? Doyou review old curriculum and ... weak in something like In/Out Seq games, or something like that. Howdoyou go ... about addressing those weaknesses for yourself? Doyou have a ...
Howdoyou read passages? Doyou just scan the structure and ... just read the mirror passage in PT 71 and it completely ... about.
What should we do on the test day if ...
... Which would have placed me in the mid-160’s range ... the Virus Game correct but howdoyou recover from -11 on ... playing around with LG games and my favorite LR ... incredible community, I believe in ALL of us to try ... there for all of you as you continue your prep.
Howdoyou ... guys deals with lower scores in your PTs? I ... 't see an increase in my score after drilling ... see a steady increase in my score leading up ... only seen an increase in my BR score and ...
... get pretty bad and result in me having to just stop ... that day. Do things like that happen to you guys after a ... while of studying? Doyou get any kind of physical ...
... am 100% a believer in 7sage's effectiveness for ... way, I was wondering how effective people have found ... Admissions accounts. And if you did use them for ... level did you sign up for and howdoyou feel it ... helped you?
I ...
Or doyou blind review every single question and if so, doyou watch JY's explanation for all of them as well?
Just wanted to know what people do.
Thanks in advance!
... I know many of you will think that I ... told that if I retake in February, they will take ... able to get through 3 games, I should have no ... getting -2 to -3 in the other sections. I have ... existence.
I'm trying, really trying to have interests in the passages but sometimes its really hard to keep concentrate on what it says. Howdoyou stay focused and have interests in the passages?
What is active reader anyway?
... new question is...
What doyou wear on the test day ... />
Would it be too warm in the test center due to ... />
Anyone doing similar or will you wear formal such as suits ... at 30 min earlier to do those procedures?
So on the side menu of the app there are logic game videos that e plain the questions and gives the answers. But where doyou get the questions from? I see they are from a prep test but what prep test?
... are there any games sections without the word "games" in the title? < ... />
- Introduction to LogicGames & Sequencing Games
- Sequencing Games with a Twist ... to Grouping Games: The In-Out Games
- Grouping Games
- Grouping Games with ...
... one, and that is: WHY doyou negate a conditional by introducing ... it incorrect to say when you negate a conditional, the sufficient ... ) Is there is this lesson in the CC (negating a conditional ...
... foundational understanding of arguments and logic to do well on these questions ... of logicin your mind.
* Howdoyou get to the point where you can ... visualize conditional logic without ...
I noticed that 7sage provides a list of foundational in/out logicgames, grouped by easy, medium, and hard. Are there are other sets of games for sequencing and grouping games?
Many logicgames utilize alphabet orders to differentiate ... , I know exactly where in the variable set it belongs ... dismay, I've learned Russian in college, and I sometimes confuse ... with English alphabet. For example, in Russian, "r" is pronounced similarly ...
... enjoy anything that has to do with literary comprehension, but LG ... : I've excelled in humanities but not really in math, relatively speaking ...
... , however, is how to negate a relationship, or in other words deny ... has an And/Or statement in the conditionals. So, for example ... />
Moreover, howdoyou translate that? **T→/J** and **T→/S** ??? Or in other ...