... about my LSAT score. Ihave some bad previous scores on ... 2020 172. Ihave a huge increase from October to November which makes ... around 165. In November, I think I did very well and ... Addendum to explain this situation? Or doI need to retake in January to prove ...
... LSAT (January). So I'm assuming that most ... score on record, I'm thinking of cancelling ... I cancel the January score, will the law schools that have ... my app on hold get a new report saying I ... proceed with review, or doIhaveto manually update them? ...
... enough time. Ihave been feeling very stressed. I wanted to matriculate in law ... my PS and have been trying to finish it. Ihave a fee waiver ... , and don't know if I ...
It looks like a 7sage subscription automatically includes a $99 charge for Lawhub. If I already have Lawhub, is there a way to link the account so I don't haveto pay for it again?
Hey guys! I will be taking the test on Saturday. I know the 35 min sections along with the break, but howlong can I expect to be at the testing facility? I am taking it at a smaller location. So hopefully that will make it a little shorter! Right?
... 2016 and December 2017, doI need to write an addendum twice or ... can I just submit my application ... in taking the test is I decided to take a year off ... law school and I retook the test to see if I could get ...
... point increase. I know it's a long shot, but I need it ... for where I plan to go, and especially to ... see how well Ido? Is that unrealistic as well? How far doIhaveto stretch myself to ...
I know July takers will have the unique option to cancel their score and retake the test free of charge. What I want to know is, what if I want to retake but don't want to cancel my score? Does that mean Ihaveto cough up another 200 bucks to LSAC?
Hey guys! I applied super late last year with bad results so I withdrew my applications and will be applying again this cycle. I was wondering if Ihaveto repurchase CAS to send in my applications? Also will I need opt for CRS again?
LSAC told me that my test session was being reviewed; howlongdoI need to wait for the score to be released? My writing portion was done prior to the April exam and not getting a score has made me anxious.
I studied abroad for the Fall Semester, and those classes appear on my undergrad transcript as transfer credits (no grade, I just received credit for completion). DoI need to submit a transcript from study abroad? A bit confused by LSAC guidance.
I bought powerscore book in 2020 but didn't get a chance to study. DoI need to purchase this year's edition one if I want to study this year? Would there be much difference?
... the toughest for me. I can do all of the 3/5 ... questions without a problem, so I understand the core concepts. As ... . Howlongdo you haveto study? If you have a good amount of time I think ... , howlonghave you been prepping for? It can sometimes take a while to ...
Thank so much @PublicInterested and @TheMikey! This is super helpful. Howlongdo you haveto prepare answers? Time between the prompt given and when you answer.
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> @Alex how often doIhaveto revisit the CC? Since I’ve done it ... use the analytics to guide me. I would return to the lessons and ... whatever was giving me trouble. How often varied greatly; however, it ...
Howlong did ... MBT lawgic questions, sometimes I feel that IHAVEto write out the lawgic ... . There are just so many ideas to ... of this is that i wouldn't haveto hand write out ...
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One thing I've been wondering is, do you haveto be good at ... math (or at least have a ... how the rules interact with each other and what inferences I should have ... />
So howlong did it take you guys to finally perfect the ...
So I finally decided to make a free account, do some of the ... introductory lessons and then do the June 2007 test ... is that I realized Ihave no real idea how much I can expect to improve ... from this point on, or howlong ...
Hey guys! Ihave just started going over the lessons for the games and am feeling discouraged. I always don't make enough inferences and have difficulty solving the problems. Howlong did it take you guys to start doing well on them? Thanks!
hey guys, howlong does it take to BR and do you have a systematic approach that works best for you? I feel like i need to experiment a bit with my BR process. Thanks in advance!
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- should I run through the CC considering my situation?
- howlong does ... it take to go through the CC? I will have the ... so I don't burn out. Any other tips for what todo ...
... first post! I am tentatively aiming to take the November ... to get to 175+ (ideally 180 but I know that's nearly impossible). I ... howlong did you study for? With a 162 diagnostic doIhave ... />
Looking forward to getting to know you all, this community ...