There is a group on here that are applying to Canadian Lawschools if you want relevant info for schools / want advice from a Canadian perspective check out
... br />
The schools I want to apply to have acceptance score averages ... least bump up my score to 150 by November. Also since ... accurate measure as to what I can aspire to score in the ... coming months?
... and I was wondering howmany pt's should I do before the ... their pt's and you would like to form a study group ... blind reviews then feel free to comment here or message me ...
... our [Application Requirements for Top LawSchools]( ... -requirements-for-top-schools/), and we'll continue to update it as ... available.
... sure to assign the appropriate targeted letter to Stanford Law School.** Recommenders should be ... . Please advise recommenders that shouldyou choose to apply for a joint degree ... welcome. I'm curious to hear how others are handling this, as ...
... idea for how long it took some of you guys to complete the ... there anything I can do to improve my focus? Sometimes I ... need a break....I want to be mentally stronger so I ...
Hey guys,
I had a quick question. I am applying to all the LawSchools in Ontario. I was wondering that do I apply through LSAC or OLSAS ?
I would appreciate if someone would let me know :)
... possible for me to score between 150-160? Howmany practice test will ... I need to take a week ... on Logic Games and RC? Should I focus on my weaker ... just want to do ok and get into an ok law school ...
... for the CAS ($195) for lawschoolsto see my application, but when ... the November test (manyschools I wish to apply to accept the Jan 2019 ... recommendation from professors?
As manylawschools have already starting accepting applications ...
36 out of 37 lawschools I emailed waived my application fee. I am wondering if they would also be willing to pay the report fee LSAC charges? Does anyone have any experience with this?
... homeschooled...
So first, how do lawschools view foreign educated people? should apply realistically. I've heard lawschools don't ... because they don't need to report them.
Thanks a ...
Hello, I am starting my search for what schools I would like to apply to with a specialty in Criminal Law. I was wondering if anyone knew of a site or somewhere where I can get a list of schools across the country with Criminal Law.
The most important thing you can do to improve your odds of transferring ... is to achieve the highest possible grades ... you want to know the second, third, and fourth most important things, youshould ...
Hey everyone. I know someone who interviewed for Harvard in mid/late February and he has been eagerly awaiting a decision. If he was to be accepted, when is he likely to hear back by? Thanks!
... in the process of transferring lawschools and could use some advice ... see much of a benefit to attending Northwestern, other than the ... SoCal employment prospects by going to Northwestern, or will my top ... my OCI process to be similar as between both schools (if I ...
... to take the November LSAT and need advice on when I should ... try to take a timed section I psych myself out. Also, howmany ... PT's should I be taking starting ...
... tests. I decided to continue working full time ... a rush, to try again for the lawschools I wanted ... (close to T14). Well, ... />
Is it worth it to take the September LSAT? Taking ... you think! I have plenty of other options for law ...
... because I didn’t realize how broadly lawschools defined “diversity.” I understand ... legal fields pertaining to this (patent law, IP law), but I’m ... my potential to bring diversity to the STEM-related fields of law)? I ... just don’t want it to come ...
... post-secondary schools) and have them mailed to the desired lawschools directly? Or ... do we have to pick ... first, then mail it out to the schools ourselves?
... relations board. In addition to my extracurriculars I interned for ... advocacy of policy.In addition to my internship work I ... Hague and studied international law with my university teamed ... anyone have any suggestions of lawschools with good international and ...
I'm curious if folks have thoughts on howmany overconfidence errors is too many on a PT? Is 0 a realistic goal? Should I be ok with having a small amount on any given test? At what point should I be worried about making too many overconfidence errors?
... Canadian 7sagers, would anyone like to swap personal statements and/or ... PS, and I'm starting to get a sense that the ... of the PS for American lawschools is a bit different than ... for Canadian schools (based on what I've ...
... whole curriculum. I'm new to the LSAT in general and ... months to study. Also, I need recommendations on howmany PTs I should take ... per week, should I even ...
... fairly high/where I wanted to. Recently, using more recent practice ... it is a better idea to just take it in January ... keep prepping for April or to put January off and just ... ). How does it look to send in multiple LSAT scores tolawschools?
Thank you ...
... . It took me 5 days to solve and complete blind review ... do two PTs a week. howmany pt a week js realistic ... tjme. And my goal is to take the october tesr. thank ...