... into the different programs, that is helpful. I do appreciate PowerScore ... I will look up a question now and then and they ... benefit from manyof the same things. I've been on this journey ... the future and hearing about how awesome you did the next ...
Hi Folks, I also have question:
I've just began ... , and released the spots that is my weakness. Now, should I ... to logicalreasoning lessons? Here is what I'm trying to understand, how tangible ...
... questions. LogicalReasoning was my strongest diagnostic section but keep in mind logicalreasoning can ... of complex reasoning questions and lose time hung up on little details. There is ... study a few hours daily each week LG RC LR LG ...
Questiontypeis independent of the method ofreasoning employed by the question. By extension, questiontype does not necessarily mean a person is tackling the gaps or flaws in the argument.
... of studying: I drilled questions of just one LR questiontype ... at a time at easier levels. This helped me focus oneachquestion ... questiontype that gave me particular trouble and drilled 1 hour of ... - difficult questions of that type; this helped ...
... this video pertains to one of the LogicalReasoning Questions in PT 37 ... , S4 Q6- Something along the lines of ... a research conducted by usage of baby monkeys ...
I am just wondering howmanyof you are considering the same thing, after realizing the section I messed up onis most likely not the experimental section....
... am OK for most time of the day but would be ... per day...
Just wondering howmanyof you have a similar experience ... ? How do you guys pull through ...
... of LR strategy. When I look at mixed questions for the section ... , I still feel like I'm unable to laser in on ... the strategy for that specific questiontype, etc.
One section ... again to make sure all of 7Sage soaks in.
How will you change your prep in the month of April?
What are your goals for this month? Howmany prep tests will you take per week?
What sectionis still giving you problems? And HOW do you plan to improve in that section?
My PT scores ... -66, so newer material. All of my BR ranges from 168 ... March, with a diagnostic score of 148. Have I peaked? What ... drills or study of a certain LR questiontypeon the in between days ...
... for some typeof questions specially resolve the paradox questiontype based on my ... previous knowledge of the subject ... you think it is helpful or it is going to end ... up hurting my score as most of ...
... the experts had no way of knowing about this specific ... only thing I can think ofis maybe "information unavailable to ... each other and how they derived that agreement, it's focus ison ... discounting/eliminating their stance on the health of long ...
... score was 163. While Logicalreasoningis typically my strongest section(-4/-5), this ... a case of working to improve on my strength which islogicalreasoning? I have ...
... PT 58. I was curious howmanyof the newer PTs one would ... what the more current test is like. Also, do I need ... in order to hear explanations on the newer PTs (59+)? Thanks ...
... a flaw in reasoningquestion (Preptest December 2015, Section 2, LR, Question 18.) question says "makes use of an assumption that ... out what this answer choice is exactly saying... can someone explain ...
... I was just like all of you, preparing to take ... University of Chicago and I have to say, it is ... your effort and it is one of the greatest feelings ... I questionhow some of my classmates got into this school, on ... in the world. Because of what I learned through ...
Proposition questions: should I approach these like an inference question or a principle question? I've read different things. Example of this questiontypeis PT 82 section 2 question 14.
... 've only studied on my own (that is, without a formal ... at logicalreasoning and reading comprehension. On average, I miss 3 per section, but ... LSAT. So I'm wondering: is buying the LSAT Ultimate + ... worth it in terms of nailing down consistency in scoring ...