After completing the CC, how long do you recommend the PT/BR process be? I know some of you might say until you are PT'ing higher than your desired score, but on average, howmuch time is needed/recommended?
First things first, I understand that the ... an idea of exactly howmuch GPA matters? Is it ... given almost as much consideration as the LSAT, ... it much less significant when compared?
I think ... , and best of luck to everyone applying this cycle.
... goal was mid to high 160s. All I needed to do was work ... in September, but to my horror I did: 159. I am still in ... I will get much better at undertanding the test or howto answer questions. I ... . In other words, I don’t know howmuch my official score will ...
... not know much about the LSAT. I thought that going to these classes ... for me without doing much practice at home. I took the September ... best Ican, and go to the best lower-ranked school Ican go to (and ...
... that the earlier you apply to schools, the more likely it ... think regarding howmuch the timeliness of your application submission matters. I am ... with my transcript, and I'm starting to get nervous that because ... . Looks like it is going to be a very close call ...
Hey everyone. I know someone who interviewed for Harvard in mid/late February and he has been eagerly awaiting a decision. If he was to be accepted, when is he likely to hear back by? Thanks!
... a waitlist. How long do you have to wait? How long does a ... on how badly you want to attend the target school. Preparing to attend ... law school, perhaps in a new city or state, can ... say, “I know I am on the waitlist but I wanted to let you ...
... howto diagram properly (currently on LG portion of CC). When I realise howmuch ... studying time has already passed and howmuch work I've ... journey that is LSAT and expectto get a good score in ...
I got a 172 on the July exam so I figured I would be contacted by a few schools with fee waivers and things. Will they only reach out after my transcript is submitted through CAS?
... I made a really strong argument but it took me to the ... last second to finish. When I looked it over I realized ... with horror that I ... first sentence T_T
When i go through my BR, Ican score -2/-4 ... RC... it really depends howmuch time i put into it, and on ... DUMBEST errors. Like i misread, I stress, I rush, I try to get it done ... . I just miss things the first time around. And the RC can ...
I've been searching all over for if a policy exists about how soon we can take the LSAT. For example, if I took the September LSAT, canI still register for and take the November one? What if I cancel my score, will that allow me to take November's?
... that, but I just don’t know what Ican do to eliminate overconfidence ... understanding in foundations? I want to return to CC, but I don’t even ... thanks to overconfidence errors...urgh
... proving how foolish I was) thought that I could get up to where I wanted to ... it takes, as much as I need toto get where I want to go. If ... to make sure I'm doing it right, I know what toexpect, and where Ican ...
... also work on ones I struggle with most. I am completing the ... />
1. What canI use to "**drill**" certain questions after I complete the CC ... best way** to study for LR? Currently, while I BR, I type out ... for you?
Hi all, I’ve officially finished the curriculum ( ... is not where I want it to be. Howmuch did you all see ... you’ve learned as opposed to when you had only had ...
... personally the question becomes: howmuch should I study? I have never heard the ... commit myself to following up come 1L the best Ican on these ... boards, particularly trying to answer the question: howmuch did ...
I am wondering howmuch time do you give yourself ... after doing the questions, i feel like I am biased towards still ... view of the answer choices to better reevaluate them. Is that ... of you do? If so howmuch time do you allow between ...
... friends: My undergrad institution decided to give an extended ddl for ... super stressed out abt having to zoom with my professors and ... generic but they're supposed to be talking good stuff about ... />
My question is howmuch it would hurt if I just use the ...
Howmuchcan be in the room for your lsat writing since they ask you to give a full room scan? Like should I move a bunch of my stuff out of view or do they expect there to be things since you’re doing it at your own house?
I wanted to share a strategy that ... an average of -7 to -9 down to -2 to -4. to reading comprehension.
... introduced (of course you can skip some obvious things at ... it makes answering the questions much faster and easier; so ...
... during tests to the point where I nearly get sick to my stomach ... is for many others. I have pretty much everything riding on doing ... my target score. What canI do to lessen my test day anxiety ... I should request from my doctor to help reduce the anxiety I have? I ...
... advice regarding what to do next? I have been studying ... of time before ican even get to the last passage. ... Any recommendations on what i should do next? What ... benefit me the most to keep doing a PT ... to close the gap by February? I've been studying pretty much ...
... actually aiming for 175+ .. actually I'm thinking of cancelling my ... think Ican increase my score in 2 months? I definitely think I need ... it with high score but I want to take LSAT after my ... vote or leave a comment! How long should I study?
... this too muchto ask/an unrealistic expectation? I know I have improvement possible ... logic games for sure- I'm trying to perfect them which will ... like with the exposure to PT's I have gotten more comfortable ...
... or take PTs, I try to review by watching the ... videos of the answers that I ... says discuss instead. How do I watch solutions of LR ... videos of questions that I failed after taking them? ... I don't get to see the mistakes that I made to ...
... students, we can hone the habits of good students. I love that ... that nothing happens to us that we can’t endure. I enjoyed reading ... . I think one of the most important lessons we can learn ... for the vulnerable and howmuch that drove her to do what she ...