... anyone offer insights on howto start prepping again after ... average, but without a score breakdown I don't ... a bit lost as tohowto start again. My hope ... is to sit again in October. My February score was ... had a similar experience? How did you approach things? ...
... />
Was hoping to get insights from the community on howto improve short-term ... the realm of the LSAT to improve my short-term memory ... blind review usually carries over to my lunch hour the next ... the factual recall ones similar to MSS and Inference questions in ...
... canceling my score (waiting to hear back from LSAC regarding ... me (I can score anywhere from -4 to -12). I don ... />
I do not want to wait another year (already delayed ... off from studying and am finding it hard to ... out. So to prevent a long post from getting any ...
... where I wanted to be a month out from the exam. ... I was up 20 points from my diagnostic just months ... up until the exams began to get passed out. As ... couldn't even figure out howto do a simple sequencing ... January since I'm required to attend law school this ...
Each school decides what to ask and howto phrase the questions in ... and wording may change from cycle to cycle based on state ... this an isolated offense?
- How many offenses?
- Was ... change in behavior?
- How recent were these incidents?
... but LG can be anywhere from -4/-11. But in blind ... been 158, 161, 163, 165. How should I go about closing ... possible specifically in regard to LG aside from just rewatching the core ...
... job it is extremely hard to focus and not stress ... on your plate!! I work from 7 am - 4 pm and ... after that I go straight to the library. I usually try ... being able too, because of how stressful it is. I feel ... anyone has any advice on howto handle a full time job ...
... just have a question about howto properly analyze conditionals in Premises ... Alignment be prevent ones back from being thrown into the category ... Equally
So from the Premises I inferred that ... lost because I fail to see how the Stimulus says that ...
... anyone has any advice on howto divvy up the study time ... designated to each section. I tried dedicating ... a set amount of time to studying one section. For example ... although my LG score would increase, my LR score would decrease. I ...
... br />
Originally, I aimed toscore a 161 on this exam ... howto move forward from here in terms of how do I raise my score ... anyone to go to, to seek advice, or someone to guide me on howto improve ... advise me on howto move forward and what to do next, I ...
... they are seeking advice on howto improve their LR Scores. ... . I want to outline some strategies on howto maximize your chances ... different from each other, and how that difference RELATES BACK TO THE ... rough guide on howto handle the dreaded down to 2, what ...
... target" indication next to them in addition to the breakdown about ...
When it's available, how should I interpret this target ... 7Sagers (perhaps in a particular score range) have spent? ... -add but just not sure howto interpret here.
... frustrated with this. Being able to do well on BR and ... not timed. I manage to miss a whole game timed ... LOT in comparison to timed. Any advice on howto close this gap ...
... give me some advice on howto improve my speed while also ... (1-35) because I wanted to focus on improving my accuracy ... don't have extra time to check those questions that I ... my speed, then my actual score would be much lower. Therefore ...
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me on howto register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
... anyone know howto set the problem set timer to 35 minutes? I ... don't want to see my time going from ... 0:00 to 35:00 ... , I want to have the timing set to 35 minutes to 0 rather ...
... there have any tips on howto improve speed and accuracy for ... conditions, i tend to feel rushed and my score dips into the ... significant improvements in my actual score. would super duper appreciate any ...
From the Blind Reviewing I' ... me too much time to debate over how confident I am ... step in the process of howto Blind Review efficiently, but I ... let me know how you guys have benefited from this approach. how some of the top ...
... br />
I saw people mentioned to figure out the relationships between ... structure and any shifts from paragraph to paragraph, but I ... themselves are difficult to understand, not to mention handling their ... Or any general advice on howto deal with these problems? ...
... anyone have any tips on howto improve concentration? Not so much ... RC I find myself having to read the stimulus multiple times ... because of not being able to focus while I'm reading ... not sure if it's from nerves from it being timed or ...
Does anyone have any advice on howto improve on LR and RC? I have improved a little bit, went from -12 to -6 or 7 but I'm not sure what the best way to keep improving is.
I'd like to ask for some advice on howto go through problem ... I haven't reached the score I'm aiming on PT ... any improvements in my PT score(avg 157) and I can ... that be more effective way toscore any higher?
... hard time improving my score, consistently scoring 160-165 ... I can score around -2. Any advice on howto get quicker ... br />
I'm not sure howto tackle LR and RC, so ... figuring out a way to improve in these 2 ... br />
Ideally I'd like toscore between 170-175 and I ...
... for the next few tests, how should I do the preptests ... LR section and compute the score myself? I feel like only ... it came to doing the flex. Any advice for howto go about ...