... 'm trying to figure out howtoget my proper BR ... to see if I missed any questions I didn’t flag (without ... video explanation and come back toit another time.
... each game and at 100% accuracy and ... writing in July so just in case) but would like to know how ...
Guys, so for N.A we have the flip test for the answer to see if the assumption is necessary or not. Is there something like that for the SufficientAssumption questions?
... , I was wondering if it is ethical to email the admission office ... law school and inquire about howto improve/ build on my application ... frowned upon, or put me at a disadvantage for this year ...
... were:
LR -15 to about -6 (My BR is ... assuming that its MBT when it says MBF"
RC: ... section) and can't get any better, although i don't ... I can turn that -13 toto a -7, but I'm ... br />
Open to any advice on howtoget the most gains in ...
... Strengthening, Weakening, and Necessary Assumption questions wrong. It is probably my weakest ... enough for the LSAT or it's because there is something ... 't seem toget questions from the Assumption family correct no matter how hard ...
... give me some advice on howto improve my speed while also ... (1-35) because I wanted to focus on improving my accuracy ... , and I have recently achieved at my 170 (but still untimed ... don't have extra time to check those questions that I ...
... 've learned it's so important to read every single word toget the ... end up panicking and skimming toget main ideas. I end up ... I easily could have gotten without that pressure.
... have similar struggles while learning to read for the LSAT? Are ...
... been in my position at one point or another, ... taking that next step to consistently hitting 170+. The ... test, work through it under timed conditions and ... read a paragraph, summarize it, read the next paragraph, ... sections as a way togetbetter and focus on where ...
... with no time just to analyze and get a feel for ... I'm doing (get in the zone, so to speak)? OR;< ... Rely on the blind review toget a feel for what I ... ve absorbed all the info to a usable degree just ... confidence. That being said, how should I approach these exams ...
I've noticed that I do much better on the first two sections and much poorly on the last two, regardless of the category. Any tips on howto stay focused?
... need an advice on howto continue studying before the ... BR. It takes me somewhere 5-6 days to complete ... one PT, I translate and write down every stimulus, write down ... won't be able to go through enough ... just one section at a time? How should I schedule ...
... 160's. I'm hoping toget a 167 or 168 in ... I'm retaking, I want to try something a little different ... if you're interested and how we should start (Facebook, Zoom ...
... it’s definitely helped me approach questions better, but I continue to ... questions. Any suggestions on how I can improve in these ... so far has been to practice the hardest questions ... .
Suggestions on howto improve in these areas – especially ...
... /feedback on my approach of howto close the gap between my ... so my strategy here is to just get into a rhythm with ... -1 or -2. I never get a question wrong when I ... a similar spot and how long it took you to reach your goal ...
... currently at a loss about howto explain what the LSAT is to ... someone who has never heard about it. I ... am trying to take less shifts at work ... test or prepped for it just don't understand ... is prepping has and see it as an excuse. ...
... early days of grad school without really studying for the exam ... needed toget through the 2-3 curveballs they will throw at you ... you getit right and forget it was difficult). I used toget mad at myself ... are confident you can do better. I knew I could, even ...
... has any suggestions/tips on howto keep the momentum going that ... about 20-25 hrs/week to study (literally all the ... />
I'm trying to hit _at least_ the 90th ... habits I have a shot at scoring above 90th which ... you? Should I try to take a full PT every ...
So I signed up for the August LSAT and have decided to push it back to October, but for the life of me I cannot figure out howtogetget the coupon for the Ausgust flex. Can anyone help?
... lessons on conditional logic and it helped immensely. Since then, ... check the answer. If I getit wrong, I write out a ... accuracy and speed have started togetbetter with 1,2, and 3 ... drills, at what point did you start to incorporate time? Finally, how would ...