https:// ... 'm not sure howto approach actually using these questions. Is it best ... , one at time? If I just go through the questions without a ... 'll read a question, not get it right away, read it ...
... TLS scare posts have gotten to me and I don’t ... when people push how important it is to go to a t14. < ... was kind of just trying to memorize without really understanding ... was just like okay I get it now and moved ... I might need it just toget me going and force me ...
Back Story ... looked, they rushed the transcript to the LSAC where the LSAC ... are going to take at least another week or two to resolve it ... for it toget completely resolved? (I have no idea how long that ...
... wanted toget people's opinions on this. When I was at ... public saftey officer that escalated to me writing a formal ... a disciplinary hearing, I want to obviously disclose this information. ... which they are willing to provide), but how should I disclose this ...
... I skip and come back toat the end), my setups ... to optimally diagram), I make avoidable (in hindsight) mistakes with questions ...
Now I'm at a loss as tohowto improve and would appreciate ... targeted help. I know I need to ...
... "link" togetto the conclusion. The other premise is thus USELESS. How do ... you know/decide which premise to use? questions on the fly and you ... /bridges/conditional statements, how do you know which one to use, and ...
... the June LSAT toget off waitlists? I'm waitlisted at a couple ... in getting admitted. I would get my score in early July ... ...)so I'm stuck on howto increase my chances of getting ...
... missing 2~3 questions. I'm actually amazed at my stupidity.
Also, is it better to finish each section and go ... on to the next one? or should ... postings and many seem to finish LG first toget it out of ...
How can you get better at Flaw questions? I always isolate the premise( ... know that you are suppose to weaken the link between the ... 't know how/can't prephrase. So I go to the answer ...
I was hoping to ask for advice from those ... get almost all LR right, maybe except one or two questions ... , and same goes for LG. But I still get ... on RC. My goal is toget a 165 and I am ... ESL student so at best I have to spend 3:30 ...
... am having trouble with point at issue questions and I know that ... try solving these questions like how JY solves the questions on comparative passages ... the next person’s argument to choose the right answer?
... this is a bit embarrassing, how do you handle nature calls ... I'm going to need to run out to the bathroom for ... I need more time toget my body to adjust to doing it's ... weeks (PAID) off to prepare (I work at a law firm). ... I just don't want them to ...
How long did it take you toget there?
< ... MBT lawgic questions, sometimes I feel that I HAVE to write out ... . It's really hard to keep all those ideas straight ... />
Any general ideas/suggestions on howtogetto a point of mastery/fluency ...
... Today was my 3rd attempt at this test and it did ... break in between at the exact testing location at 8:00 ... up until the exams began toget passed out. As soon ... couldn't even figure out howto do a simple sequencing ... since I'm required to attend law school this ...
... />
I was just wondering how people would advise BR-ing ... test, nor have I looked at the questions I got wrong (specifically ... administration). Would it be better to take it as a timed ... in the official test, or to just BR the whole test ...
... if I need to go back to the CC toget a better grasp ... (while being mindful of questions that are taking longer than ... or another approach. I want toget the most I can out ... how I can better approach questions (eliminate ACs quicker and developing instincts to ...
... a 7Sager. They would like toget advice from you!
... enough time to read and answer the last questions for the ... last passage - any tips on how I ... games or 17/23 I get the same score. Is ... , and I'm hoping toget a 156.
... and have full time available to study. I took the ... studying with the Bible’s at first but found them ... assumptions in LR, LR questions that are in difficulty 3 ... is right. My goal is toget a 164+ on the ... LSAT and get into the University of Minnesota at least (I ...
... decided to go back to the 7sage memory method (or at least a ... doing full RC sections untimed at first, but really focusing on ... , I am struggling toget the time down to under 35 without compromising ... anyone have any advice on how I can overcome this problem ...
... and answer people's questions, pretty much anyway toget my score up ... still a168. My aim is togetto a 170+ and I am ... been able toget my learning to where it needs to be toget my dream ... sure what. Any advice on howto proceed would be greatly appreciated :)
... on September 21 and want togetat least 167. I'm using ... I practice with their practice questions I'm doing worse on ... to strengthening/weakening the argument each with 6 questions and only got at ... most 2/6 right and 1/6 at ...
... - I am incredibly bad at MBT and SA questions. When I come ... any tips at getting better at these? I've been trying to drill ... still can't figure out howtoget the logic mapping done correctly ...
... decides what to ask and howto phrase the questions in their ...
If you answer yes to any questions, be clear and thorough ... explanation, help the Committee getto the point where they invite ... school without having to ask you more questions. Your explanation ...
I'm trying to figure out howtoget my proper BR ... score. While I PT I flag the questions ... />
B) Do flagged questions, check to see if I missed ... once after doing flagged questions and then once after ... for each game and at 100% accuracy and ...
... and I would like toget that down to -0 to -2 per section ... , Weaken, and Necessary Assumption type questions, but I think rather than ... skill, so any tips on how I can finish consistently with ... left would really help! How should I proceed? I don ...
Then, I tend toget ... "trapped" on certain questions... I end up ... are always AC's at the end that I ... for the last few questions. Problem is I have ... on?? My goal is toget -20 overall (or more ...
... to redo logic games. However, even though I flag the questions I get ... t seem to able to change.
How do ... />
Also, does anyone know howto edit a set once it ... adding or removing more questions directly? As of ... , I've had to remake the entire set ...