... it comes to Logic Games. That is how I ended ... looking for advice on howto use all the resources ... the CC? Or should I get to the preptests using ... ) Is it feasible to still try to take the August lsat ... was thinking August but wanted to hear everyone's thoughts. ...
... give me some advice on howto improve my speed while also ... (1-35) because I wanted to focus on improving my accuracy ... . Usually there would be 4 or 5 left and I don ... 't have extra time to check those questions that I ...
... and need an advice on howto continue studying before the ... me somewhere 5-6 days to complete one PT, I ... be doing untimed PTs or should I start timing ... PT or just one section at a time? How should ...
Any advice would be appreciated or if you could share your ...
I am new to 7sage and plan on writing ... looking for some guidance or precedence on howto effectively use the study ... are 46 and that seems to be quite a bit. If ... , are there any suggestions on howto make my own schedule?
... currently at a loss about howto explain what the LSAT is ... to someone who has never ... it. I am trying to take less shifts at work ... have never taken the test or prepped for it just don ... I just don't know howto explain hahaha.
... anyone have any tips on howto improve concentration? Not so much ... RC I find myself having to read the stimulus multiple times ... because of not being able to focus while I'm reading ... nerves from it being timed or what, but any tips would ...
Does anyone have any advice on howto improve on LR and RC? I have improved a little bit, went from -12 to -6 or 7 but I'm not sure what the best way to keep improving is.
... d like to ask for some advice on howto go through ... if I got it right or wrong,
then ... try to explain it on my own after(or before) ... />
Would that help me acquire or broaden my reasoning?
... that? or would that be more effective way to score ...
Hi this is a really silly question: I can't figure out howto highlight or underline text when solving questions through the question bank/ PTs. I've tried all the buttons that are around the question page, but none seem to trigger a highlighting feature??
... section. There seems to be no rhyme or reason regarding the questions ... my opinion they always seem to be very arguable questions). < ... **does anyone have advice on howto move past this plateau I ... it seems to be much easier to find trends or patterns that help ...
... for the next few tests, how should I do the preptests ... stick with doing full PTs or should I only complete one ... it came to doing the flex. Any advice for howto go about ...
... anyone have any advice on howto keep this momentum going ... much room to improve and just need to lock in ... have tips on performing up toor above your PT average ... I would still like to avoid a 5 point drop ... meditation and am trying to adopt the mindset that ...
... since I am actively trying to revive this application with the ... target school's admissions office to go ahead and apply through ... have any experience with this? Or even if you don't ... help me with ideas about howto negotiate the target school back ...
... 've been trying really hard to understand Sufficient and necessary but ... . Can someone explain howto figure this out or recommend any resources please ...
... because I have enough time to parse down the grammar and ... a reason I am unable to pick the right answer instantly ... flaws and arguments confuses me or doesn't make sense on ... anyone recommend any resources or tips on howto overcome this? Thank you ...
... doing the newer pts between 70-80 and seen ... have no strategy on howto attack answer choices. I ... can advise me on howto attempt the section? Do ... all answer choices from beginning to end?
My ... current strategy is to highlight conclusions if I can ...
... , I was just listening to the Powerscore Podcast (the ... following: If you want to ask a series of ... differentiation, ask someone to describe the differencebetween some are not, ... They seem like the same to me! The only thing ... there really is no difference.
How long did it take you to find that balance where ... you know you need to slow down on certain ... mistakes would get me to a consistent 165 at ... any general or specific questions on howto get to early 160ish ... for me to walk through someone a LR or RC question ...
... /advice for the best way to take prep tests for the ... section isn't always going to be LR) but I am ... 't be what it needs to be for the actual 4 ... . Anyone have any tips or tricks on howto make a PT with ... an added 4th variable (or anything ...
Hi does anyone know howto schedule orhowto log on and take the writing component of the test? My official test day is tomorrow at 11 am and I kind of want to take the writing section today if possible. Thanks! #help
... 169 - I'm trying to get into legal academia ... to make studying more effective? I was PT'ing between ... declined due to nerves/burnout. Not sure howto avoid this ... with re-test, and REALLY don't want to ... devote my life to this cursed ...
... user. Please feel free to leave your comments below. ... like to get advices howto hit two birds with one stone: howto ... law school student, thinking to take the LSAT once again ... reasons and wanted to ask experts or the experienced howto concurrently hone ...
... get the opportunity to choose the day or time of the ... time as it gets closer to November but I just ... wanted to make sure. I tried ... the LSAC website to answer my question orto see if I ... unsuccessful.
... but am now not sure howto study for my retake. I ... wrong on my LR, -0 or -1 on LG, and my ... improvement. Now that I have to study for my retake I ...