When I wrote the test last year I wore a hoodie and so did others at my testcenter. It was a non issue. Although the Canadian winters are pretty cold so maybe that's why they expected people to be walking in all bundled up.
If that's going to bother you then you might want to switch to a different testcenter. This site has reviews of test centers: http://www.simugator.com/lsat-test-site-rater.php
North Carolina Elite Career Services Center
Rating: 10 (Overall) 8 ( ... was an AMAZING experience. This testcenter gives each person an individual ... the administration. We started the test a little early (~12:20 ...
... want to take the Dec test again because I'm ... because I had thought the test had gone pretty smoothly for ... myself to be a bad test taker, maybe a little ... nothing too concerning, and my testcenter was fine aside from a ... want to take the Dec test so can't afford ...
@gyoo01 said:
Is it okay to bring multiple watches?
Rules state you are allowed one analog watch on your desk. Practice with one. There's no magic bullet. Plenty of us underperformed WITH a real 180 watch, so, don't over-hype ...
In addition, is it better to warm-up right before you get into the testcenter? Or is warming up at some point before you leave your house good enough? Dunno if it matters, but in case it does...
... have to travel to my testcenter and will be checking in ... I should def do a test run friday morning to make ... go to the washroom. On test day the last thing you ...
@UsernameChange Exactly this! The only concern anyone should have is for testcenter availability. I assume seats are generally less-filled on February, but you should still look into it, maybe contact the testcenter.
My testcenter was cery quiet, but yours ... that has reviews of various test centers, You should check it ... have to wait in the test room for very long at ... do the same. Overall my test was very similar to my ...
Is your testcenter your local university? If so, ... situates everyone into the various test rooms and get in the ... have to pee before the test, pee anyways! Other than that ... that was different from simulated test-day conditions is time. I ...