... just took thetest for the first time this past weekend, and to be ... whenever the Dec test score is released) to look at my application for the first ... ....
2) Does it look badto start the applications now, yet submit ...
... BlindReview. Well, I CAN BlindReview, I just can't bring myself to do it ... . As I'm going through the curriculum I ... questions (about 25 questions) on the video set I just watched ... . I recently finished the MSS video set and then ...
... (I went to undergraduate there), and the fact that it’s the most renowned ... ’m registered for it though… Isit worth itto go to law school with ... .. Only 40ish days left until the December test.. OMG…. HELP ME PLEASE..
I'm preparing to take thetest in February, and I have the LSAC book ... very well. Is there a substantial difference between the PTs I've ... taking and the most recent PTs? I'm trying to figure out ... should buy more of the recent PTs to take in preparation for ...
I understand itis advocated by JY, ... to be getting nearly every question correct without writing the ... conditional logic down (sometimes I internalize it, sometimes ... think about it intuitively), would you say itis still essential ...
... know what itis. As I can only dedicate 15 to 20 hours ... thetest, blindreviewthetest, and then do a comprehensive review of each section of thetest. Why the ... section is logic games, but it's only edging out slightly compared to ...
... and sat down for the September 2016 test. I scored a 157 ... accepted that I need toblindreview in order to understand what I am ... is as follows;
Would it be most wise for me to ... follow the course lesson ...
I would like to know if someone can describe to me how they BlindReview and/or what are the steps they take when going over an LSAT Preptest. I just want to make sure that I am doing it correctly. Many Thanks!
... in the argument is unclear. Isthe term unclear or did the author just tweak itto ... mean what he/she wanted itto mean ... ? I'm trying to get familiar with the different ways the ...
... am wondering how one is supposed to make it through the Core Curriculum so ... my notes and reviewthe concepts in my mind, trying to internalize what ... myself by writing out it out according tothe LR Flowchart.
2 ...
... to 7Sage and have a question about blindreview. When you go through it ... , do you use the same copy of thetest ... reviewing my PTs on the same copy and highlighting ... like this maybe wasn't the best approach.
I'm aiming to take thetest between December and ... to cities where schools I am interested in are located. Isit ... too early to do a school visit ... and you're ready to apply. Is this a rule ... interested in in order to make an informed decision ...
However, if the ... applications are categorized "by round," then it seems clear to me that it ... would be better to apply ... />
Cornell's website has this to say:
Just wondering, isit too late tothe February LSAT for fall applications. Most schools I have chosen, have deadlines starting in March. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
... wanted. I just did a blindreview and did slightly better, but ... the ones I miss are where I have the choices narrowed down to ... 2: the right answer and ... I consistently pick the wrong one. Is there a way to fix this?
... waiting that month to get my score back, it has taken a ... lot out of me to get back into the ... to rush this process and risk bad study habits along the way for the ... or have any advice? The December exam is QUICKLY approaching and I ...
... of me wants to say "YOLO" and take thetest on Saturday and ... hope for the best, but the more ... wait, I would take thetest in June. It feels _very_ far away ... a bad age for hiring prospects. It also feels like my whole life is ...
... the LSAT, since I was able to understand the concepts in my quasi-blindreview. It ... pace while doing PTs. Is that crazy out of ... between blindreview and timed tests?
My feeling is that ... I would like to see my timed tests and blindreview ...
... been fortunate enough to come across the logic games explanation ... is most beneficial, and was hoping I could exchange and review ... my personal statement with another individual with the same ... others on the same path makes it all the more comforting.
After finishing the CC, it seems like the thing to do is go through PTs 1 ... -35 fully and THEN start the ... well as for the drills), how long did it take to go through ... them? I know a lot of the ...
Hey Guys, so I know JY had a blindreview session on the reading comp and other sections. Is there a way for me to retrieve the webinars for this blindreview?
Also, where can I go to get the video explanations/discussions for PT 84?
... to see how it relates tothe sentence we are reading is following the thread of the ... is describing valid logic! Yes, thetest writers are this petty. This is not the ... to have to deploy an understanding of what makes the sufficient/necessary flaw bad ...