... best thing you could do for your LSAT prep would ... be to just sign up for a course and start ... , would you consider writing it in December at the earliest ... is a weird test and ittakes time to engrain the ... material into your mind. It's totally like learning how ...
... a break if you need it. I'm just coming off ... mean forit to be that long, but if that's what ittakes ... then that's just what ittakes. You got ...
... and
electronic application processing for all ABA-approved law schools ... not need to sign up for CAS at the same ... time you register for the LSAT; however, you ... first law school application deadline. Ittakes approximately two weeks to process ...
... time yourself as it gives you great habits for when it's most ... sets in the allocated time. Ittakes practice before you get to ... you will soon be ready forit.
... only happens if you register for CRS which is totally voluntary ... . If you don't register for CRS then schools can't ... submitting all transcripts though ittakes a little while for the report to ...
... able to perform under pressure for the real thing- test scores ... achieve real understanding, however long ittakes. When you fall short of ... the curriculum until you get it. Whatever you are doing, do ...
Yeah, I definitely read in my own voice. Ittakes less time because I'm not having to create a new one for the author. Plus, "hearing" it in my own voice helps to really internalize the passage.
... what happened you stuck with it and refused to back down ... one could have faulted you forit. That kind of resolve and ... point, you’ve got what ittakes, and with that kind of ...
... to pass on this week for the BR as I already ... right? I'll join you for good starting then. When you ... do the whole thing? Normally ittakes me several days to BR ...
Thanks @montaha.rizeq! It is just too important. It took me 4 years ... put as much time as ittakes to do my best. I ... thought it was mental to rush to take this test. For example ... to sign up and take it before you were ready? Of ...
... , just for the sake of the other test takers). Ittakes anywhere ... on how dense I find it. I can't imagine saving ... familiar enough with speed-reading. For a beginner/intermediate speedreader, I ...
... out the explanations for every question you circled for BR. Write out ... question after BRing it. Let it take as long as ittakes. If you ... do miss one during BR, take it ... or something crazy! Same thing for confidence errors. If you have ...
... highs and lows in preparing for this test, and how you ... happen on test day, it happens in the months and ... years leading up to it. So you’re being ... I’ve been studying for this thing for almost a year and ... up and to do whatever ittakes. And I’ll take that ...
... , I've never tried it so I can't definitely ...
As far as my strategy for comparative reading comp, I basically ... memory method. I find for the comparative passages my mind ... done enough of them it gets easier with any ... 4 or 5 points. Ittakes a while to get used ...
... what you should use. Ittakes time to get good at ...
When I began studying for the LSAT I was missing ... me explain why it is different and why it works...
... done one just like it and remember the inferences ... sure if you used 7Sages for LG, I know many ...
... ready and have the confidence ittakes to do well on this ... myself I wouldn't sit for the LSAT until I ... longer had to sacrifice anything for the sake of time. I ... without being 100% ready. It is not an easy thing ... should waste a take just for a trial run. That ...
@Kateryna said:
its tough for me to be able to ... postpone a couple weeks ago. It was such a hard thing ... the realization that even if ittakes 2 years to get a ... 170+, it will be worth it in the long run ...
... people study for well over a year, so it’s understandably ... the Rings metaphor. Deal with it.
Frodo ... didn’t know it until then. It was always his ... to get to Bree. Ittakes a lot of hard work ... and motivation you feel for whatever your version of ...
... to the test, and ittakes time to get acclimated to ... I've done was for my diagnostic and that ... and see if implementing it will correct this time ... you are indeed ready for PTs. And perhaps consider ...
@civnetn ... you only missed one question, for example, that is going to ... because you have. (Same goes for BR.) You're taking the ... 've finished with both takes and your BR? Ittakes a lot of ...
... why you select a question for your BR. The point of ... Take as much time as ittakes to deconstruct the question until ... to achieve meaningful understanding. It’s like already knowing the ... obvious yet somehow everybody missed it. LSAT questions are the ...
However long ittakes, lol. That is the short ...
The answer is so different for everyone. If your diagnostic is ... to that answer. It is simply different for everyone. I know ...
... potential, and ittakes a lot of hard work for that potential to ... others study for a year longer than you. It’s just ... didn’t have what it took? It did not, and this ... easier to beat than it is. It’s just a test ... great. Really it is and I’m happy for and in ...
... low, you'll see for yourself what maintaining a ... with good material can do for you! just browse around ... make matters worse when it comes to studying which ... the curriculum so attainable for anyone so long as ... the work into it! You have what ittakes to score so ...
... test, but like you, it's just taking me ... as ittakes in order to really understand it. For example, it took ... I have a little left for LR, so I definitely ... once for your best score no matter how much time ittakes. ... better score will be worth it. What are y'alls ...