I read this article about the best ways to stay hydrated and I definitely see some instruction worth trying for LSAT practice. If it seems to work, I'll try it during the actual exam. Thought others would be interested in this new study as well.
... , to enrol for the February 2016 sitting. After I signed up ... signed up for the February 2016 LSAT without a clue what ... my sitting back to June 2016. But the universe delivered a ... curriculum was completed April 5th, 2016. It was a great milestone ...
I'm taking the test next June. The last 10 Actual packet ended at PT 71. This means that the next packet will be 72-81, with PT 81 being the February 2016 test. Will LSAC release 72-81 in a new 10 Actual packet before June 2016? Thanks.
If there is anyone that would like to study with me, I am located in Paris, France. We can meet up during the week and weekends to this studying down. Please be serious, because I am enroute to law school next year and I need and will make an excellent ...
I'm on my study break and well..... bored.
I figured at this point you've decided that you are going to take it or you aren't sooooo how many people on 7sage are taking the September LSAT? And where? Maybe people can meet up with ...
I've seen a number of people posting about postponing. Now that we're 1 month out until September, I'm curious who is actually still planning on taking the test. For those of you that are, what is your study plan over the next 4 weeks?